Hi all,
I need to migrate lists from an *old* Slackware system running MM 2.0 (0x200000f0) to a new system where MM is installed via RPM (2.1.9).
I've read the posts linked to by the FAQ, and the basic procedure is to copy the data, lists, and archives directories and run withlist fix_url. But I have a couple of minor questions:
According to the UPGRADE document, file formats have changed as have actual files (some new, some gone). What triggers the 2.1 version to do the necessary conversions ? Is it just finding files of the old version and recognizing them as such ? Does the last_mailman_version in the data directory trigger this ?
There are various minor concerns, such as file permissions, aliases, redoing public archive symlinks, and so forth. This made me wonder if it would be easier/possible to run bin/newlist for each existing 2.0 list in the 2.1.9 system, and *then* bring over the data, lists, and archives/private directories. Advisable ?