I have Three lists list1@domain.com (1000 members) and list2@domain.com (1500 members) and list3@domain.com . Now, In list3@domain.com I have only two members i.e. list1@domain.com and list2@domain.com.
If I send any message to list3@domain.com it goes to all the members of list1 and list2 but the members who are in both list1 and list2 gets duplicate copies. How to prevent that? I don't want to send duplicate messages.
Please advise.
Regards, Vinita Aggarwal
-----Original Message----- From: mailman-users-bounces+vinita.aggarwal=un.org.in@python.org [mailto:mailman-users-bounces+vinita.aggarwal=un.org.in@python.org] On Behalf Of Mark Sapiro Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 1:01 AM To: Stephen J. Turnbull; Allan Hansen Cc: mailman-users@python.org Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] no dupes across lists?
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Allan Hansen writes:
That's interesting.
I run Mailman 2.1.5 (Mac OS X 10.4) and have the 'problem' that when someone posts to two lists at a time, I get only one message. I actually do want to get both for archival purposes. If this is not a function of Mailman 2.1.5, I wonder where the other message is cut. :-)
What do you mean by "get"? I "get" both messages in my system mailbox, but because I have duplicate suppression on in my MUA, I only "see" one. The MUA automatically skips any message with a Message-ID that it has already seen.
I would assume you've got a similar feature, perhaps not in your MUA but in the MDA or MTA.
This is definitely a gmail 'feature' to the extent that you won't see your own list posts because they are 'duplicates' of the sent message.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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