1.You must have root or mailman-user-group access to do this.
- If you have these access rights, it will be much more easier to visit the admin page of this list and to use the mm_site password to set a new admin password for this list.
- oliver
Nachricht vom Mittwoch 31 Oktober 2001 23:59:
hack it :) 1-create a new list call it test 2-enter the password for the list 3- open the config.db of the test list and search for "password" 4- in front of it you will see something like this "QI35687p7U193s" write it down . 5- now open config.db of the list you forgot the password, and overwrite the password with the above string you wrote down. Now the password of your list should be same as test list.
I have done it and it works
----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Ward" <gward@mems-exchange.org> To: "Fran?ois Chenais" <Francois.Chenais@citb.bull.net> Cc: <mailman-users@python.org> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 9:51 AM Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Admin password
On 29 October 2001, Fran?ois Chenais said:
What can I do to get back my admin list password when I have forgotten it ?
Ask the site admin to set it for you.
If you mean the *site* password, use the command-line:
cd ~mailman ./bin/mmsitepass
-- Greg Ward - software developer
MEMS Exchange
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
Mailman-Users maillist - Mailman-Users@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
-- Oliver Egginger FH Giessen-Friedberg DV-Zentrum Wiesenstrasse 14 35390 Giessen Tel. +49 641 309-1283 Fax +49 641 309-2908 Mail: Oliver.Egginger@dvz.fh-giessen.de
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