How to configure Mailman to just send news letters
Does anyone know how to configure Mailman to just send newsletters? The documentation is kinda 0bfusT1c@t3d/non-existent when it comes to that.
On 26 May 2004, at 22:52, Andreas Sheriff wrote:
Does anyone know how to configure Mailman to just send newsletters? The documentation is kinda 0bfusT1c@t3d/non-existent when it comes to that.
Why not try reading the FAQ, whose URL is at the bottom of each mail sent out by the mailman-users list?
For instance a search for 'newsletter' will get you to this page:
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman FAQ: Searchable Archives:
At 2:52 PM -0700 2004/05/26, Andreas Sheriff wrote:
Does anyone know how to configure Mailman to just send newsletters? The documentation is kinda 0bfusT1c@t3d/non-existent when it comes to that.
What do you mean by "just send newsletters"?
Have you seen the page at
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
SAGE member since 1995. See <> for more info.
Dear mailmaners:
With mailman 2.1.4 on Solaris 2.8 using sendmail (no snyde comments please).
Everything works, but mail is not sent to lists.
- messages are help for moderation
- messages are approved
- messages get sent to an external archiver
We did not have this problem with 2.1.3. (And yes, the cronjobs are installed and qrunner is running).
Any help would be most appreciated.
Many thanks in advance, Tom
At 5:21 PM -0400 2004-06-08, Thomas M. Parris wrote:
With mailman 2.1.4 on Solaris 2.8 using sendmail (no snyde comments please).
Sendmail is a perfectly fine MTA for use with Mailman. It may
take a bit more work to configure than postfix or exim, but on the other hand (in my experience) it can be more scalable than any other MTA on the planet.
Everything works, but mail is not sent to lists.
- messages are help for moderation
- messages are approved
- messages get sent to an external archiver
Have you seen the FAQ entry at
We did not have this problem with 2.1.3. (And yes, the cronjobs are installed and qrunner is running).
Any help would be most appreciated.
What's in the Mailman logs? What's in the sendmail logs? It
seems clear that the disconnect is somewhere between Mailman sending the messages out and the MTA, so we need to know what's going on.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
SAGE member since 1995. See <> for more info.
You can set up an announcement list by making the following setting changes:
(1) "General Settings" the bottom setting:
Should postings include the List-Post: header? Change to "NO."
This will omit the email address to post messages.
(2) In "Privacy Options," under "membership exposure" the setting:
Who can view subscription list? Change to "LIST ADMIN ONLY.
This will keep others from viewing and sending to membership addresses outside of the list. It will also reduce the possibility of spamming.
(3) After you open "Privacy Options" four sub-options links will appear. Click on "sender filters" and the setting:
By default, should new list member postings be moderated? Set to "YES."
From this point on, all new subscribers will be moderated. They can try to post a message by sending it to the list-post address, but unless the moderator approves the message, it will not be posted. You can also make settings to automatically discard attempted posts, if you wish.
(4) Go back to "Membership Management" and under "Additional Member Tasks" the setting:
Set everyone's moderation bit, including those members not currently visible. Change to "ON" and click the SET button.
This will ensure that anyone who subscribed before you made the above changes, will be moderated.
(5) Lastly, at "membership list" search for the moderator's name, click to remove the moderation setting checkbox and click the SUBMIT YOUR CHANGES button. This will allow the moderator to send announcements to the list.
Hope this helps.
--- Andreas Sheriff <> wrote:
Does anyone know how to configure Mailman to just send newsletters? The documentation is kinda 0bfusT1c@t3d/non-existent when it comes to that.
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participants (5)
Andreas Sheriff
Brad Knowles
Richard Barrett
Stan Gould
Thomas M. Parris