RE: [Mailman-Users] Mailman FAQ Wizard

newlist instructs you to add aliases to support the new list.
The section of INSTALL that talks about running newlist also discusses this.
Really: follow INSTALL, step by step. If you don't understand a step, stop and understand it, by hook or crook. It's all in there, and it's all necessary.

Dick is correct, it's all there, albeit cryptic for those inexperienced with compiling and configuring software using configure and make.
I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated by an installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my win background - It's easier for admins to spend company money on software licenses I guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves and fight with it.
Turns out my GID for the mailing was 99, I found this out by mail that bounced, the recommended script for us Postfix'ers "python -c'import os; print os.getgid()'" returned 538...not sure why, but wanted to report that to the developers.
Special thanks to Dick and Ashley,
Greg Long
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Dan Mick Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 10:59 PM To:;; Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Mailman FAQ Wizard
newlist instructs you to add aliases to support the new list.
The section of INSTALL that talks about running newlist also discusses this.
Really: follow INSTALL, step by step. If you don't understand a step, stop and understand it, by hook or crook. It's all in there, and it's all necessary.
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman FAQ:

"GL" == Greg Long <> writes:
GL> I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated
GL> by an installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my
GL> win background - It's easier for admins to spend company money
GL> on software licenses I guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves
GL> and fight with it.
If someone with more time and knowledge about rpms, debs, pkgs (does Solaris still use these?), and whatever the *BSDs and MacOSX's use <wink> wants to contribute pre-built binary packages, I will make their availability more visible on the download pages.

I think your mail server at is broken. See attachment.

At 9:58 -0400 5/2/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
Mac OS X has available to it a package system called (unfortunately) fink. I've elected not to use it, since it does a whole bunch of things in not the regular Mac OS X way. My memory, yes, my memory says it uses the Debian packaging system.
Apple uses its own installer system which seems to be quite error prone (one Mac OS X update wiped some users' drive(s) due to an unquoted file only hurt users with spaces in their volume names...especially *leading* volume names). And they seem to have blundered again a day or two ago with an application upgrade.
Of course, if one leaves the errors out of the installer packages...
I would build Mailman from source on Mac OS X (after building Exim, since I have no intention of letting port 25 traffic into a machine running sendmail: we abandoned sendmail before I learned more about its configuration than fear).
-- John Baxter Port Ludlow, WA, USA

On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 17:37, John W Baxter wrote:
I've probably done a couple of dozen Mailman implementations by now and feel confident in saying that the only thing consistent about installing Mailman on *NIX is that it is inconsistent. I don't think this is a bad reflection on Mailman at all! Indeed, I think that it is remarkable how flexible Mailman is. But the flexibility becomes much more rigid after the software is compiled. That said, I think binaries are a fairly difficult thing to do right on more highly varied platforms like Linux.
| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD | Hillsborough, NC |

"JWB" == John W Baxter <> writes:
JWB> I would build Mailman from source on Mac OS X
I haven't tried it yet, but will Mailman run on the non-server version of MacOSX? I don't really know what the difference is.
Off-topic aside: My G4 is really my wife's and we dual-boot it from 9.2.2 to 10.1.4. It's loaded to the gills with her graphics arts stuff and my music stuff. I literally don't think I could load another device onto the box, except perhaps for one last firewire device (hmm, MOTU 828, yum). As soon as Logic 5 for OSX and/or Cubase SX comes out, I'm switching full-time to OSX. All I want when I'm writing music is a "Don't Make Me Think" desktop, and for that OSX rocks.

Dick is correct, it's all there, albeit cryptic for those inexperienced with compiling and configuring software using configure and make.
I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated by an installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my win background - It's easier for admins to spend company money on software licenses I guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves and fight with it.
Turns out my GID for the mailing was 99, I found this out by mail that bounced, the recommended script for us Postfix'ers "python -c'import os; print os.getgid()'" returned 538...not sure why, but wanted to report that to the developers.
Special thanks to Dick and Ashley,
Greg Long
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Dan Mick Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 10:59 PM To:;; Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Mailman FAQ Wizard
newlist instructs you to add aliases to support the new list.
The section of INSTALL that talks about running newlist also discusses this.
Really: follow INSTALL, step by step. If you don't understand a step, stop and understand it, by hook or crook. It's all in there, and it's all necessary.
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman FAQ:

"GL" == Greg Long <> writes:
GL> I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated
GL> by an installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my
GL> win background - It's easier for admins to spend company money
GL> on software licenses I guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves
GL> and fight with it.
If someone with more time and knowledge about rpms, debs, pkgs (does Solaris still use these?), and whatever the *BSDs and MacOSX's use <wink> wants to contribute pre-built binary packages, I will make their availability more visible on the download pages.

I think your mail server at is broken. See attachment.

At 9:58 -0400 5/2/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
Mac OS X has available to it a package system called (unfortunately) fink. I've elected not to use it, since it does a whole bunch of things in not the regular Mac OS X way. My memory, yes, my memory says it uses the Debian packaging system.
Apple uses its own installer system which seems to be quite error prone (one Mac OS X update wiped some users' drive(s) due to an unquoted file only hurt users with spaces in their volume names...especially *leading* volume names). And they seem to have blundered again a day or two ago with an application upgrade.
Of course, if one leaves the errors out of the installer packages...
I would build Mailman from source on Mac OS X (after building Exim, since I have no intention of letting port 25 traffic into a machine running sendmail: we abandoned sendmail before I learned more about its configuration than fear).
-- John Baxter Port Ludlow, WA, USA

On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 17:37, John W Baxter wrote:
I've probably done a couple of dozen Mailman implementations by now and feel confident in saying that the only thing consistent about installing Mailman on *NIX is that it is inconsistent. I don't think this is a bad reflection on Mailman at all! Indeed, I think that it is remarkable how flexible Mailman is. But the flexibility becomes much more rigid after the software is compiled. That said, I think binaries are a fairly difficult thing to do right on more highly varied platforms like Linux.
| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD | Hillsborough, NC |

"JWB" == John W Baxter <> writes:
JWB> I would build Mailman from source on Mac OS X
I haven't tried it yet, but will Mailman run on the non-server version of MacOSX? I don't really know what the difference is.
Off-topic aside: My G4 is really my wife's and we dual-boot it from 9.2.2 to 10.1.4. It's loaded to the gills with her graphics arts stuff and my music stuff. I literally don't think I could load another device onto the box, except perhaps for one last firewire device (hmm, MOTU 828, yum). As soon as Logic 5 for OSX and/or Cubase SX comes out, I'm switching full-time to OSX. All I want when I'm writing music is a "Don't Make Me Think" desktop, and for that OSX rocks.
participants (5)
Chris Hedemark
Dan Mick
Greg Long
John W Baxter