RE: [Mailman-Users] qrunner keeps locking cron
Thanks, Jon. I checked the file sizes in the archive directory but they seem to be rather insignificant. The list that is causing the problems has 6000+ users but they only mail 2-3 times a month.
Do you think the size of the list is what is causing qrunner and then cron to lock up? I'm sure mailman can handle large lists and it has always been able to handle this list before.. Not sure why it would freeze when processing it now
Greg Schnippel
-----Original Message----- From: Jon Carnes [] Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 6:31 PM To: Greg Schnippel; Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] qrunner keeps locking cron
Are your volumes filing up (do a "df")? How big are your archives? If they have grown very large, then it will take awhile to put each new message into the archive. This can slow you down quite a bit.
Jon Carnes ----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Schnippel" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 6:00 PM Subject: [Mailman-Users] qrunner keeps locking cron
I've been having a lot of trouble with mailman and cron recently and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has any ideas..?
We have several large lists on our server and they have run without problem for a couple of years now. However, recently it seems that qrunner is locking up when it tries to process the queue and in the process, it stalls the cron daemon as well.
The only thing we have been able to do is monitor cron, detect when its not working, kill and restart the cron process, and then manually run the mailman qrunner program. Definitely not optimal.
There are no errors being reported in either the mailman error logs or in the smtp logs.. ??
Anyone had any problems with qrunner or cron with mailman?
Greg Schnippel
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Greg Schnippel