-----Original Message-----
From: J C Lawrence [mailto:claw@kanga.nu]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:21 AM
To: Rantanen, TC1
Cc: mailman-users@python.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Attachments in archive
On Thu, 2 May 2002 10:48:47 -0400
TC Rantanen <Rantanen> wrote:
Some posters want to push out pdf's which is fine in the emails, but
not in the list archives. Is there away to make the
archives show the
attachment as a downloadable file, such as pdf?
Please see the FAQ:
J C Lawrence
---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
claw@kanga.nu He lived as a devil, eh?
http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/ Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py