On Wednesday 30 July 2008 13:16:25 Francesc Alted wrote:
A Wednesday 30 July 2008, Pierre GM escrigué:
It's just that I have trouble understanding the meaning of something like t2 = numpy.ones(5, dtype="datetime64[s]")
That's five times one second after the epoch, right ? But in what circumstances would you need t2 ?
I'm not sure I follow you. This is just an example so as to produce an array of time objects quickly. ... When you don't need the values for some examples, conciseness is a virtue.
I'd prefer something like np.range(5, dtype=datetime64['s']), which is both concise and still has a physical meaning I can wrap my mind around. Which brings me to another question: datetime64 and timedelta64 are just dtypes, therefore they don't impose any restriction (in terms of uniqueness of elements, ordering of the elements...) on the underlying ndarray, right ?