Have you tried nonzero() ?
Nonzero isn't quite what I'm after, as the tests are more complicated than what I illustrated in my example.
Tests such as (a<0)&(b>1) will give you arrays of booleans. The nonzero give you where the two conditions are met (viz, where the results is True, or 1)
a[a<0] = numpy.random.normal(0,1)
This is a neat construct that I didn't realize was possible. However, it has the undesirable (in my case) effect of placing a single new random number in each locations where a<0. While this could work, I ideally need a different random number chosen for each replaced value. Does that make sense?
Completely. So what about the slightly more complicated: test = a<0 if test .any() a[test] = numpy.random.normal(0,1,size=len(test.nonzero()[0])) test.nonzero() outputs a tuple of indices. test.nonzero()[0] gives you the indices along the first axis, len(test.nonzero()[0]) the number of elements where the condition is met. You could also get the same result with something like test = a<0 if test .any() a[test] = numpy.random.normal(0,1,size=test.sum()) Actually, the following simpler solution works as well: a[a<0] = numpy.random.normal(0,1,size=a.size)