Hmmm. I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why it isn't working for you. How is it failing ?-- is the output of python setup.py build simply giving blas not found, or is it something more complex? Did you remove the previous build directory, and the previous install directory? Have you changed the site.cfg in the numpy directory where setup.py resides? -- this should be the important one -- and also in numpy/distutils? --this shouldn't matter, but might be worth a try. I'm no expert at debugging, but the class that's doing the work in finding these libraries is deep in distutils: Configuration in numpy/distutils/misc_util.py George. 2009/1/24 Gideon Simpson <simpson@math.toronto.edu>:
That's not working for me. Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot it? -gideon
On Jan 24, 2009, at 6:18 PM, George Nurser wrote:
I did manage to get it working. I remember that both libcblas.a (or a link to it) and libacml.so had to be in the same directory.
Also I had to comment out lines 399-400 of setup.py: # if ('NO_ATLAS_INFO',1) in blas_info.get('define_macros',[]): # return None # dotblas needs ATLAS, Fortran compiled blas will not be sufficient
In my site.cfg I have [blas] blas_libs = cblas, acml library_dirs = /noc/users/agn/ext/AMD64/acml/ifort64/lib include_dirs = /noc/users/agn/ext/AMD64/acml/ifort64/include
[lapack] language = f77 lapack_libs = acml library_dirs = /noc/users/agn/ext/AMD64/acml/ifort64/lib include_dirs = /noc/users/agn/ext/AMD64/acml/ifort64/include
Both libcblas.a (or a link to it) and libacml.so are in /noc/users/agn/ext/AMD64/acml/ifort64/lib
HTH. George.
2009/1/24 Gideon Simpson <simpson@math.toronto.edu>:
I've tried building CBLAS, which seems to run properly by itself, but numpy is still having difficulty. I've got the following in my site.cfg:
[blas_opt] library_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/CBLAS/lib/LINUX:/usr/ local/ nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/lib include_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/CBLAS/include:/usr/local/ nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/include libraries = cblas, acml
[lapack_opt] library_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/CBLAS/lib/LINUX:/usr/ local/ nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/lib include_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/CBLAS/include:/usr/local/ nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/include libraries = cblas, acml
I also created a symbolic link in /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/CBLAS/ lib/LINUX, from cblas_LINUX.a to libcblas.a.
Is there an easier way to check if numpy is locating the libs other than doing python setup.py build, and looking at the output? -gideon
On Jan 24, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:26:17 -0500, Gideon Simpson wrote:
That doesn't quite seem to work for me. I added:
[blas_opt] library_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/ lib include_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/ include libraries = acml
[lapack_opt] library_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/ lib include_dirs = /usr/local/nonsystem/simpson/acml4.2.0/gfortran64/ include libraries = acml
to my site.cfg with no luck. Somewhere else, people indicated that the ACML lacked a CBLAS which was necessary to make this work.
Yep, IIRC you needed also CBLAS. (I think I got Numpy & Scipy linked against ACML at some point, but it's been a while and I've forgotten details...) There's a CBLAS here:
So, I think you need to compile it & link it with ACML, and add it in site.cfg with ACML libs.
-- Pauli Virtanen
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