Which brings up another curiosity: I'm all in favor of not having arbitrary limits on anything, but I'm curious what the largest rank NumPy array anyone has ever had a real use for is? I don't think I've ever used rank > 3, or maybe 4.
Anyone have a use case for a very large rank array?
Depends on your definition of "very". In neuroimaging at least, rank 4 is a standard dataset "unit" (3D+time). If you then include subjects, replications (same day), and sessions (i.e., testing on different days), that's rank=7. Can't say as I've ever reached 10 though. ;-) -best Gary -------------------------------------------------------------- Gary Strangman, PhD | Director, Neural Systems Group Office: 617-724-0662 | Massachusetts General Hospital Fax: 617-726-4078 | 149 13th Street, Ste 10018 strang@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu | Charlestown, MA 02129 http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/NSG/