Made you look! [image: :smile:] Hello Python community! Next month, from October 19-23, Python core developers will be participating in our annual weeklong core dev sprint. As part of the sprint, we will be hosting a Q&A session with participating Python core developers as a way for us to connect and engage with the wider Python community. We would like the wide Python community members (you) to participate and ask a core dev any questions about Python. Please submit your question before using the link above before September 30. On Tuesday, October 20th, 3 PM US Central time, Python core developers will get together (online) and answer your questions. The session will be recorded and will be posted to The PSF’s YouTube channel. You can see the list of participating core developers here: If you have general question about the sprint itself, please either open an issue or a discussion item in the core-sprint repository: Thanks for being part of this community.