Hello, I have found that in the original email, the link to [1] Read more about our CFP guidelines/proposals when clicked shows take to *page not found. *That is because in the reference links below, the "[2]" is appended to the link like shown in bold here: [1] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals*/[2] * Which is actually redirecting you to the link *https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/%5B2%5D <https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/%5B2%5D> *and not* https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals <https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/%5B2%5D> * which is the desired page. *Solution:* Please enter a space between [1] https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals *<space>*[2] in your listed references. I hope this helps. Regards, Kanak Kavadi BE, Computer Science and Engineering Contributing Member PSF On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 9:31 PM <psf-community-request@python.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. PyCon India 2020 CFP open (Kumar Anirudha)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 04:50:05 +0000 (UTC) From: Kumar Anirudha <anirudhastark@yahoo.com> To: "psf-community@python.org" <psf-community@python.org> Subject: [PSF-Community] PyCon India 2020 CFP open Message-ID: <538307012.604549.1592196605356@mail.yahoo.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi all, PyCon India 2020 is live and calling all the brilliant pythonistas to submit their proposals for talk. PyCon India 2020 will be held from Oct 2-5, completely online. So, no matter where you're at, you'll be able to join in the action. View other proposals and submit yours: [1]Read more about our CFP guidelines: [2]Follow the PyCon India Website [3], Zulip [4] and Twitter Handle @pyconindia for more updates. Cheers,Kumar AnirudhaOn behalf of PyCon India 2020 team
[1]: https://in.pycon.org/cfp/2020/proposals/[2]: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2020/2020-call-for-proposals-announcement.html[3]: https://in.pycon.org/2020/[4]: https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/