[XPOST] PSF Board Minutes Jan 29, 2019

Hello PSF Community, On March 26, 2019 the PSF Board voted and approved the minutes from PSF Board's Jan 29, 2019 meeting. The full meeting minutes can be found at - https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/minutes/2019-01-29/. Below are the high level details from the Jan 2019 meeting: The following members of the Board of Directors (12 of 13) were present at the meeting: Lorena Mesa, Naomi Ceder, Thomas Wouters, Katie McLaughlin, Marlene Mhangami, Eric Holscher, Anna Ossowski, Jeff Triplett, Van Lindberg, Kushal Das, Jackie Kazil, and Ewa Jodlowska. Betsy Waliszewski (Event Planner and Administrator), Phyllis Dobbs (Controller/Assistant Treasurer Accountant), Jackie Augustine (Event Manager), and Ernest W. Durbin III (Director of Infrastructure) were also in attendance. *Jan 2019 Board Meeting Votes* Consent Agenda Resolutions: The PSF consent agenda items approved 12-0-1: - Oct 2018 meeting minutes. - End the PSF fiscal sponsorship with PyTexas effective Nov 29 2018. - Terminate PSF fiscal sponsorship of DesertPy due to lack of fiscal sponsorship agreement effective Nov 30 2018. - Terminate PSF fiscal sponsorship of PyCarolinas due to lack of fiscal sponsorship agreement effective Nov 30 2018. - Executive Director of the PSF is authorized to sign contacts on behalf of PSF per limitations listed in their employment agreement. - Director of Infrastructure of the PSF is authorized to sign IT related contracts on behalf of the PSF up to a commitment of $30,000. If higher, the Director of Infrastructure needs approval from the Executive Director. - Event Manager of the PSF is authorized to sign event related contracts on behalf of the PSF up to a commitment of $30,000. If higher, the Event Manager needs approval from the Executive Director. - Continuation of PSF Ambassador Program in Eastern Africa at $10,000 USD. - Finance Controller of the PSF is authorized to sign Fiscal Sponsorship agreements and contracts on behalf of the Fiscal Sponsoree up to a commitment of $30,000. If higher, the Finance Controller needs approval from the Executive Director. - THE Translation Work Group's charter as stated here: https://mail.python.org/mailman/private/psf-important/2019-January/002194.ht... - Approved the consent agenda resolutions * Approved by Email The PSF approved the following votes by email: - Contract with Otter Tech for the amount of $3,500 USD in order to host a community incident response training session for regional Python conferences. approved 13-0-0 on Nov 20 2018. - Award the Q3 2018 Community Service Award to Mariatta Wijaya for her contributions to CPython, diversity efforts for the Python Core Contributor team, and her work on PyCascades. Approved 13-0-0 on Dec 10 2018. - award the Q3 2018 Community Service Award to Alex Gaynor for his contributions to the Python Community and the Python Software Foundation. Alex previously served as a PSF Director in 2015-2016. He currently serves as an Infrastructure Staff member and contributes to legacy PyPI and the next generation warehouse and has helped legacy warehouse in security (disabling unsupported OpenID) and cutting bandwidth costs by compressing 404 images. Approved 13-0-0 on Dec 10 2018. - $10,000 USD to Women Who Code to develop Python resources for learning and growing skills that can be replicated around the world. Approved 13-0-0 on Jan 8 2019. * Approved by Director's Allowance - $200 to help fund the Django Girls Rivers 2018 Meetups happening in Harcourt, Nigeria. - $300 USD to the Speak Python Bootcamp event, taking place on December 19, 2018 in Accra, Ghana. - $282.25 to help fund the Django Girls CDO workshop happening in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines on January 19, 2019. *Work Group Votes* The Sponsors Work Group approved 4 sponsors at the Iron Level: Cyber Infrastructure, HRankcom, Hostinger, Icons8. The Q4 2018 members to the PSF Fellows approved and published on the PSF blog: http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/01/python-software-foundation-fellow.html. The following grants were also approved from the last meeting by the PSF Grants Work Group, totaling $40,281 USD : - $1000 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Pelotas, Brazil November 10, 2018 - $480 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Leipzig, Germany November 24, 2018 - $398 USD (~350 Euro) to the PyDay BCN 2018 event happening in Barcelona, Spain November 24, 2018 - $2080 USD to the AfroPython event happening in Porto Alegre, Brazil November 24, 2018 - $600 USD to the Berlin Python Pizza event happening in Berlin, Germany on February 23, 2018. - $2,000 USD to PyCon Hong Kong happening in Hong Kong, China, November 23, 2018. - $712.50 USD to the Teresina Django Girls Workshop, happening on November 14, 2018, in Teresina, Brazil. - $300 USD to the Django Girls Bangalore Workshop 3rd edition, happening on February 9, 2019, in Bangalore, India. - $800 USD to the Django Girls Aizuwakamatsu Workshop, happening on November 17, 2018, in Aizuwakamatsu, Japan. - $200 USD to Hack in the North, happening on March 30-31, 2019 in Allahabad, India. - $3,000 USD to the PyCon Belarus 2019 event, happening on February 16, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus. - $3750 USD to the PyCaribbean conference happening in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic February 16, 2019 - $2000 USD to the Be a Cyber-Scientist Workshop happening in Larnaka, Cyprus December 17, 2018 - $600 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Rivers, Nigeria March 16, 2019 - $2000 USD to the PyCon Sweden conference happening in Stockholm, Sweden December 12, 2018 - $150 USD to the "Building web applications using flask" Workshop happening in Sokoto, Nigeria January 19, 2019 - $600 USD to the Python Ladies Workshop happening in Lima, Peru January 19, 2019 - $2000 USD to the PyTennessee conference happening February 9-10, 2019 in Nashville, TN - $5,000 USD to the PyCon APAC conference happening in Manila, Philippines February 23, 2019 - $400 USD to the Sixth Bamenda Annual Python Conference happening in Bamenda, Cameroon February 18, 2019 - $1000 USD to the PyTennessee Conference happening in Nashville, Tennessee February 9-10, 2019 - $2000 to the AI6 Cleveland Chapter for a series of hands-on Python workshops to begin in early 2019. - $550 USD to the Benin User Group meet ups happening in Cotonou, Benin in 2019 - $400 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Tallinn, Estonia February 02, 2019 - $682 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Wa, Ghana March 9, 2019 - $5,735 USD to the PyCascades conference happening in Seattle, Washington February 23 - 24, 2019 - 3,421.90 USD (~3000 Euro) to the DjangoCon Europe conference happening in Copenhagen, Denmark April 10-14th 2019 - $422 USD to the Python Barranquilla User Group events happening in Barranquilla, Colombia throughout 2019 The following grants were denied from the last meeting by the PSF Grants Work Group, totaling $31,911 USD: - $5000 USD to the "Cycle of AI Saturdays" training happening in Abeokuta, Nigeria from August 2018 through January 2019 - $926 USD for the Python for Beginners Training Program - $1990 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Amravati, India December 16, 2018 - $5,380 USD to the Arua Python Festival event happening in Arua, Uganda December 15, 2018 - $11,355 USD to the AboCoders training that will be happening in Kaduna, Nigeria November, 2018 - $2500 USD to the Untangled Pathways' Summer Program happening in Houston, Texas the summer of 2019 - $2000 USD to the Professional Statisticians Society of Nigeria Conference happening in Ibadan, Nigeria April 22, 2019 - $880 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Bayelsa, Nigeria April 27, 2019 - $880 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Bayelsa, Nigeria April 27, 2019 - $1000 USD to the InnoviCon Conference happening in New Delhi, India February 2, 2019 To stay up on the latest PSF news, follow the PSF on Twitter at https://twitter.com/thepsf and the PSF blog at http://pyfound.blogspot.com/. Thanks all! __________________________________________________________________ *Lorena Mesa* Co-Organizer, PyLadies Chicago <http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-PyLadies/> Director, Python Software Foundation www.lorenamesa.com @loooorenanicole <https://twitter.com/loooorenanicole> Pronouns: she/her/hers Say what? <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-c...>
participants (1)
Lorena Mesa