PuPPy (Puget Sound Programming Python) Coordinating Group Train Travel from SEA - PDX

If anybody's in Seattle or the surrounding area and are going to PyCon, consider joining a PuPPy contingent traveling by train to Portland for the conference. Anybody traveling from elsewhere and considering making this PyCon also a tour of the PNW that includes Seattle, I invite you to join our train. For many traveling to PyCon a flight to Seattle provides more air travel options and may save you money. Join PuPPy's train travel group. Purchase ticket for $34.23 at http://puppytopdx.eventbrite.com Joining the group will save you money. Remaining general reservation tickets range from $45.00 - 72.00. Joining our group only costs $31.50 plus Eventbrite's fee. We need a minimum of 20 to commit to book group travel at a discounted rate. If we have as many as 36, we may reserve an entire car. Let's start the journey with making some friends on the ride down. Making buddies before a conference is always a nice way to get a head start on having fun. We depart on train 513 at 11:15am from King Station in Seattle, arriving at Union station in Portland at 3:05. It's perfect for checking-in at hotels on arrival. According to polls I ran there's at 36 PuPPy members definitely going. If we include those thinking about going, there's as many as 80 PuPPy members attending PyCon. I'll run this to see if we have enough people committing. If we don't get our minimum 20 people committing, I'll refund purchasers' money. <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/puppy-group-travel-on-amtrak-to-pycon-pdx-tickets-23462518023?ref=enivtefor001&invite=OTc3MDYwNC9kaW5hbGRvQGdtYWlsLmNvbS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=eventimage&ref=enivtefor001> Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Sunday, May 29, 2016 from 10:30 AM to 3:05 PM (PDT) *King Street Station* 303 South Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 View Map <http://maps.google.com/maps?q=303+South+Jackson+Street,+Seattle,+WA+98104+United+States&hl=en> *Attend Event* <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/puppy-group-travel-on-amtrak-to-pycon-pdx-tickets-23462518023?ref=enivtefor001&invite=OTc3MDYwNC9kaW5hbGRvQGdtYWlsLmNvbS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&ref=enivtefor001&utm_term=attend> *Share this event:* [image: Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2F23...> [image: Twitter] <http://twitter.com/home?status=I%27m+attending+PuPPy+Group+Travel+o...+--+ht...> [image: LinkedIn] <http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2Fpuppy-group-travel-on-amtrak-to-pycon-pdx-tickets-23462518023%3Fref%3Desli%26utm_campaign%3D201308%26utm_source%3DLinkedInenivtefor001&title=PuPPy+Group+Travel+on+Amtrak+to+PyCon+PDX&summary=%5BMay+29%2C+2016%5D+-+%5BKing+Street+Station+-+303+South+Jackson+Street+-+Seattle%2C+WA+98104%5D+-+%5BDon+Sheu%5D&source=Eventbrite> WHENSunday, May 29, 2016 from 10:30 AM to 3:05 PM (PDT) - Add to Calendar <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/puppy-group-travel-on-amtrak-to-pycon-pdx-ticke...> WHEREKing Street Station - 303 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104 - View Map <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/puppy-group-travel-on-amtrak-to-pycon-pdx-ticke...> -- Don Sheu 312.880.9389 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My Python user group in April meets at Moz *http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/ <http://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/>* *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE*: *The information contained in this message may be protected trade secrets or protected by applicable intellectual property laws of the United States and International agreements. If you believe that it has been sent to you in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received the message in error. Then delete it. Thank you.* ᐧ
participants (1)
Don Sheu