Hi, I'm happy to announce Nanpy 0.9.5 release. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nanpy/0.9.5 This release includes some bug fixing and Adafruit TLC5947 24-Channel PWM Driver support. I don't think to continue developing Nanpy and adding modules to the core by myself, so if you want to extend Nanpy please read this guide: http://nanpy.github.io/#how-to-extend-nanpy If you want to know how to start using Nanpy read this http://nanpy .github.io/ With Nanpy you can easily use your Arduino board writing Python code from any device and you can build awesome things like an old RC car now powered by Raspberry Pi and Arduino and controlled via Android ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iepyMyFNtjk https://github.com/chickenfootcar), Smart Gardening ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6hN1xkelKA), Minecraft Altimeter (*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Ei9n_2sLY <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Ei9n_2sLY>* https://github.com/DjangoBeer/minecraftpi-hack/tree/master/altimeter). Our "Hello World": a = ArduinoApi() a.pinMode(13, a.OUTPUT) a.digitalWrite(13, a.HIGH) We support OneWire, Lcd, Stepper, Servo, DallasTemperature and many more libraries… Let’s try to connect our 16x2 lcd screen on pins 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and show your first “Hello world”! from nanpy import Lcd lcd = Lcd([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 2]) lcd.printString('Hello World!') Nanpy is an open source project, you can follow our work on Github https://github.com/nanpy -- Andrea Stagi (@4stagi) - Develover @Nephila Job profile: http://linkedin.com/in/andreastagi Website: http://4spills.blogspot.it/ Github: http://github.com/astagi