I suggest that we start with automating doc-only patches.
The need is great. The backlog of Documentation patches is nearly
I am sure that the high overhead per patch has something to do with this. (I suspect I would do more if allowed to fix multiple issues in one patch, to spread the overhead.) It has been written somewhere that there is a set of doc maintainers that will turn suggestions into patches, if necessary, and apply them. On a day-to-day basis, that set seems to be empty now.
A doc patch queue seems slightly easier. Rietveld integration would not have to be part of the first cut. It should also be less impactful. It would not need exclusive access to the repository except for a short period each day (pick the least used hour of the day). On startup, the system could post a message to this list "Auto doc patching started. Repository closed." A 'repository open' message would follow when done. At other times, patches could be pre-tested on a clone and only passing patches queued for a final test and push.