On 2/17/22 8:44 AM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 4:16 AM Ethan Furman wrote:
I'm looking to prune the core-mentorship subscriber list as I'm confident 90%+ are folks that wanted help learning Python, not folks wanting help to develop Python itself. Towards that end I want to unsubscribe anyone who has not been active in the last six months, excepting core-devs and triagers.
Why do you want to do that?
For a couple reasons:
The list was created to be a safe place for people to ask questions without worrying about being perceived as ignorant (or any other negative label), and towards that end the list archives are private (but viewable to any member).
Folks that have signed up mistakenly are extremely unlikely to have read/understood the purpose of the list nor, more importantly, its restrictions[1].
The list is not intended to be a place for lurking, but for actively learning.
If people feel the list is not for them, they can unsubscribe themselves.
But they don't. (It's a low-volume list, so the usual mail-overload motivation is absent.)
Unsubscribing inactive people seems unlikely to reduce unwanted messages from those that subscribed to the wrong list -- don't those tend to be sent just after someone subscribes?
Most subscribe, and then do nothing.
Is there another reason?
Given the nature and purpose of the list, I feel an up-to-date membership should be maintained. Also, re-subscribing is encouraged should their interests/time allow them to pursue core development.
-- ~Ethan~