On approximately 8/10/2009 12:12 PM, came the following characters from the keyboard of Thomas Wouters:
I'm still waiting on a replacement controller, so it wasn't to be today. Hopefully tomorrow, if the hardware supplier has one in stock. Still no news on whether we have any chance at all on getting the old data back.
Sadly, redundant hardware controlled by non-redundant hardware, configured to be redundant without a backup of that configuration, isn't all that reliable :( It is hard to get redundancy correct and complete, so you can't just hear the word "RAID" and conclude that it is reliable, or fully redundant, without proper system management. That's why I still recommend RAID 0 with appropriate backup procedures, or RAID 1... but only if the RAID 1 is operable by removing the RAID controller, and attaching the disks to regular controllers, and having them be readable... sadly, many RAID 1 configurations do not permit that. -- Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/ =========================== A protocol is complete when there is nothing left to remove. -- Stuart Cheshire, Apple Computer, regarding Zero Configuration Networking