[This is about the mailing list, not about Python development] That python-dev-owner has gotten two complaints about this message so far suggests I should explain what's going on ;-) New list members are automatically moderated. Their posts sit in a moderation queue waiting for moderator action. While python-dev has several "official" moderators, best I can tell I'm the only one who has reviewed these messages for years. So - yup! - I approved this spam. The Subject was legit, the email address was from Google rather than, e.g., some obscure Russian host, and the link was to a site with an obviously computer-related name. "Good enough". Usually, but not in this case. So, sorry, but sometimes one of these just will slip through. I've since fiddled the list to auto-discard future posts from this address, but have no ability to purge the spam from the list archives. There are other not-spam but "low quality" messages I've let through too, since the list migrated to Mailman 3. That's because we lost some very useful moderator functionality (which I've griped about on a Mailman 3 issue tracker): - It's no longer possible to forward a message from the queue to a different address. So, e.g., rather than throw them away, I've let through some newbie messages that I would previously have forwarded to the Python help list. - It's no longer possible to write custom text for a "Reject" action. So, again, rather than throw away messages that should obviously be posted to a different list, with the author getting nothing but a generic explanation-free "rejected" message, I've let them through. Yes, I _could_ use my own my email account and copy/paste/fiddle to forward/reply in such cases, independent of Mailman functionality. And sometimes I do. But there's only so much time I can give to this, and some days I settle for clearing the queue just as quickly as Tim-ly possible. Some of that will get better if/when Mailman 3 restores lost functionality, but I doubt anything can be done that stops spam 100% short of erring on the side of rejecting marginally legit messages too. But that's not how my brain is wired, so you would need a different moderator if that's what you want. In the meantime, I'll continue cashing my lavish moderator checks and just laugh at complaints ;-) On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 12:21 AM <gotechnocious@gmail.com> wrote:
Check this article here which will help you out. [useless link]