Won't there be at least one standard iterator object defined for lists, etc.?
iter([]) <iterator object at 00792640>
iter({}) <dictionary-iterator object at 00793A40>
iter(()) <iterator object at 00792640>
import sys iter(sys.stdin) <callable-iterator object at 00793FE0>
class C: ... def __iter__(self): return self ... iter(C()) <__main__.C instance at 007938EC>
What do those have in common? Objects and types are the wrong way to approach this one: it's really of no interest that, e.g., iter(list) and iter(dict) return objects of different types; what *is* interesting is that iter(whatever) returns *an* object that conforms to the iterator protocol (or "implements the iterator interface" -- all the same to me). You can give *examples* of builtin iterator types that conform to the protocol, but the protocol needs to be defined for its own sake first. The protocol is fundamental, and is neither an object nor a type.
That could be described in the built-in types section (as with files, lists, etc.) of the Library Reference. That will be used as the definition of the iterator protocol in the same way the file object description there is referred to from places that want file or file-like objects.
"file-like objects" is the bad doc experience I'm hoping we don't repeat. The phrase "file-like object" is indeed used freely in the docs, but it's not (AFAICT) *defined* anywhere, and doesn't even appear in the index. Besides, the notion that "file-like object" refers to section Buitin-in Types, Exceptions and Functions -> Other Built-in Types -> File Objects was news to me. I see the individual method descriptions there sometimes refer to "file-like objects", and other times "objects implementing a file-like interface". The latter phrase appears uniquely in the description of .readlines(), and may be the clearest explanation in the docs of wtf "file-like object" means. If so, it shouldn't be buried in the bowels of one method description.
I think we need some re-organization of the built-in types section to separate abstract protocols from specific implementations,
but that's an orthagonal aspect and can be handled at the same time as the rest of the built-in types.
I assume you're thinking of creating a new "Iterator Objects" section under "Other Built-in Types"? That would work for me if it *started* with a description of the iterator interface/protocol. There's a twist, though: iterators need to be defined already in the Language Reference manual (we can't explain for-loops without them anymore).
Specific changes for places that accept iterators should be made as the code is changed, as usual. Please describe the changes clearly in checkin messages so iterator related changes don't propogate to the maintenance branch.
We need an example to build on -- this is too abstract for me (which is saying something <wink>). For example, today we have: list(sequence) Return a list whose items are the same and in the same order as sequence's items. If sequence is already a list, a copy is made and returned, similar to sequence[:]. For instance, list('abc') returns returns ['a', 'b', 'c'] and list( (1, 2, 3) ) returns [1, 2, 3]. list() doesn't yet work with iterators, but surely will. What do we want the docs to say after it changes? Should it be implicit or explicit that "sequence" now means "sequence or sequence-like object"? Where is the connection between "sequence-like object" and "iterable" explained? Perhaps what's really needed is s/sequence/iterable/ in this description. But then where is "iterable" defined? Solve this once and the rest should follow easily. But solving it the first time doesn't look easy to me. That's why I'm bugging you now.