Neal Norwitz schrieb:
What, if any, impact do you think the LSB should have wrt maintaining 2.4?
People at the meeting specifically said whether security patches would still be applied to older releases, and for how many older releases. Linux distributors are hesitant to make commitments to maintain a software package if they know that their upstream source doesn't provide security patches anymore. I think we should come up with a policy for dealing with security patches (there haven't been that many in the past, anyway); I believe users (i.e. vendors in this case) would be happy with the procedure we followed for 2.3: just produce a source release integrating the security patches; no need for binary releases (as they will produce binaries themselves). So I think a public statement that we will support 2.4 with security patches for a while longer (and perhaps with security patches *only*) would be a good thing - independent of the LSB, actually. Regards, Martin