Oren, I like the direction this is going in, but I have some reservations about any protocol which requires users to avoid using a simple method name like next() on their own multi-pass sequence types unless they intend their sequence to be treated as single-pass. One other possibility: if x.__iter__() is x, it's a single-pass sequence. I realize this involves actually invoking the __iter__ method and conjuring up a new iterator, but that's generally a lightweight operation... -Dave From: "Oren Tirosh" <oren-py-d@hishome.net>
There is no need for a new type of iterator. It's ok that iterators are disposable. If I need multiple iterations I don't want to copy the iterator - I prefer to ask the original iterable object for a new iterator. All I need is some way to know whether the iterable object (container) can produce multiple iterators that generate the same sequence.
An object is re-iterable if its iterators do not modify its state.
The iterator of an iterator is itself. Calling the next method, by definition, modifies the internal state of an object. Therefore anything that has a next method is not re-iterable.
"hasattr(obj,'__iter__') and hasattr(obj, 'next')" is a good signature of a non re-iterable object. Unfortunately, the opposite is not true. One iterable object in Python produces iterators that modify its state when their .next() method is called - the file object.
I have just submitted a patch that makes a file into an iterator (i.e. adds a .next method to files). With this change all Python objects that have an __iter__ method and no next method produce iterators that do not modify the container. Another possibility would be to make file iterators that use seek or re-open the file to avoid modifying the file position of the parent file object. I don't think that would be a good idea because files can be devices, pipes or sockets which are not seekable.
I think it may be a good idea to add a note to the documentation pages about the iterator protocol that the iterators of a container should not modify the state of the container. If you think they must it's probably a good sign that your 'container' is not really a container and maybe it should be an iterator rather than produce iterators of itself.
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