On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 10:19:22AM -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
Also, maybe in 2.5 we could begin warning about bare excepts that aren't preceded by non-bare exceptions.
try: foo() except: print_or_log_exception_in_a_way_that_is_meaningful() raise doesn't seem to be incorrect to me. For example, if the program is a daemon, I want the exception logged somewhere so that I can see it later, because I won't be watching stderr. []s, |alo +---- -- Those who trade freedom for security lose both and deserve neither. -- http://www.laranja.org/ mailto:lalo@laranja.org pgp key: http://garfield.laranja.org/~lalo/gpgkey-signed.asc GNU: never give up freedom http://www.gnu.org/