I tried on Pixel 6 Pro with Android 12 with both the latest stable Chrome and Firefox and didn't see the reported issue. One thing I would mention though is people who can reproduce it check if you have any extensions enabled or other tools that can block network traffic. Sometimes privacy based extensions and tools can have false positives and block resources required to render sites correctly. Damian (he/him) On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM David Mertz, Ph.D. <david.mertz@gmail.com> wrote:
I get pretty much the same thing as the OP on Chrome 99.0.4844.58; Android 11; Pixel 2 XL; Build RP1A.201005.004.A1.
However, it gets more readable if I force Desktop site and zoom a bit. These facts are pretty common for a lot of websites, and I never gave it much thought. But yes, the mobile version could be better responsive.
On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 5:17 PM Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:
On 3/15/2022 10:06 AM, Nathan Cook wrote:
Please make https://peps.python.org/ <https://peps.python.org/> more responsive to various form factors
See attached screenshot from Chrome version 99.0.4844.58 on my Pixel 3aXL running Android 12
Are you sure that the site looks any different that it did at the older url, www.python.org/peps/ ? In any case, when I go there with Chrome on my (old) Nexus 6P, pages are originally wrapped to the screen size. If I zoom in, a horizontal scrollbar is added (and suppressed) and I have to scroll horizontally with my finger. On the phone, Google search page results act the same. So do the wikipedia pages I tested. (On my desktop monitor, they rewrap on both Chrome and Firefox, although the layout is different in the two browswers.)
-- Terry Jan Reedy
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