I’m happy to announce that we’ve opened the sign-up forms for the 2021 Python Language Summit! TL;DR When: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 (4 hours) and Wednesday, May 12, 2021 (4 hours). Exact times TBD depending on attendee timezones. Where: Online via Zoom (link will be sent via email to attendees) Co-chairs: Mariatta Wijaya & Łukasz Langa Blogger: Joanna Jablonski Sign up to attend and actively participate: https://forms.gle/cgmGnmQMDhD2mhHY8 <https://forms.gle/cgmGnmQMDhD2mhHY8> (closes after March 22nd, 2021 AoE) Propose a topic: https://forms.gle/Jui9mxsHrB4fVvAB8 <https://forms.gle/Jui9mxsHrB4fVvAB8> (closes after March 22nd, 2021 AoE) To get an idea of past Python Language Summits, you can read these blog posts: 2020: Python Software Foundation News: The 2020 Python Language Summit <https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-2020-python-language-summit.html> 2019: http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-2019-python-language-summit.html <http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-2019-python-language-summit.html> 2018: The 2018 Python Language Summit [LWN.net] <https://lwn.net/Articles/754152/> 2017: The 2017 Python Language Summit [LWN.net] <https://lwn.net/Articles/723251/> Do I need to sign up if I’m a Python core developer? Yes please! While in the past we have limited attendance to 50 people, this time, due to virtual format, we will be a bit more flexible, but will still keep it small and manageable. We aren’t planning to go beyond 80 participants. Please register to reserve your space. Can I sign up if I’m not a Python core developer? Yes you can. In the past, we had quite a number of participants who were not Python core devs. Among them were maintainers and representatives from BeeWare, CircuitPython, PSF board member, PyCharm, PyPA, etc. Register if you want to participate. Note that until you hear back from us, your attendance is not confirmed. As explained in the question above, our “space” is more flexible than usual, but in the interest of maintaining a vigorous discussion space, we might still be unable to invite everyone who signs up. What kind of topics are covered? Python Language Summit is a special event with very specific audience: Python core developers. Ideally your topic is not an “announcement” or “project status” but rather something that will encourage further discussion and questions. The more controversial, the better. An open issue, group of issues, or a PEP that is awaiting decision are all good topics to propose. You can also further explain why this is better discussed in person instead of online. According to last year’s feedback, our audience prefer more discussions and shorter talks. Who can present a talk? Anyone, even if you’re not a Python core developer. However, please understand that we will have to be selective as space and time are limited. In particular, we are prioritizing active core contributors, as well as those who we believe will be able to improve the quality of the discussions at the event and bring a more diverse perspective to core Python developers. Note that your topic is not confirmed until you hear back from us. Code of Conduct PyCon’s Code of Conduct <https://us.pycon.org/2020/about/code-of-conduct/> applies and will be enforced. Thanks! @mariatta <https://discuss.python.org/u/mariatta> & @ambv <https://discuss.python.org/u/ambv>