On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman@voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
I think someone else pointed this out, but replacing builtins externally to a module is actually common for testing. In particular replacing the open function, but also other builtins, is often done temporarily to replace it with a mock. It seems like this optimisation would break those tests.
print() and input() come to mind. However, so long as appropriate tools are provided to recompile a module with this optimisation disabled for certain builtins (with some builtins such as open(), print() and input() blacklisted by default) then that issue should be manageable. I've extracted the full list of 68 builtin functions from the table in the docs below. I've placed asterisks next to the ones I think we would *want* to be eligible for optimisation. Aside from the 3 mentioned above, we could fairly easily omit ones which are used primarily at the interactive prompt (i.e. dir(), help()), as well as __import__() (since that lookup is handled specially anyway). Cheers, Nick. __import__() abs() * all() * any() * ascii() * bin() * bool() * bytearray() * bytes() * callable() * chr() * classmethod() * compile() * complex() * delattr() * dict() * dir() divmod() * enumerate() * eval() * exec() * filter() * float() * format() * frozenset() * getattr() * globals() * hasattr() * hash() * help() hex() * id() * input() int() * isinstance() * issubclass() * iter() * len() * list() * locals() * map() * max() * memoryview() * min() * next() * object() * oct() * open() ord() * pow() * print() property() * range() * repr() * reversed() * round() * set() * setattr() * slice() * sorted() * staticmethod() * str() * sum() * super() * tuple() * type() * vars() * zip() * -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia