Patch / Bug Summary ___________________ Patches : 308 open (+10) / 2755 closed ( +1) / 3063 total (+11) Bugs : 838 open (+15) / 4834 closed ( +5) / 5672 total (+20) RFE : 168 open ( +0) / 148 closed ( +4) / 316 total ( +4) New / Reopened Patches ______________________ do not add directory of sys.argv[0] into sys.path (2004-05-02) http://python.org/sf/946373 reopened by wrobell isapi.samples.advanced.py fix (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1126187 opened by Philippe Kirsanov more __contains__ tests (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1141428 opened by Jim Jewett Fix to allow urllib2 digest auth to talk to livejournal.com (2005-02-18) http://python.org/sf/1143695 opened by Benno Rice Add IEEE Float support to wave.py (2005-02-19) http://python.org/sf/1144504 opened by Ben Schwartz cgitb: make more usable for 'binary-only' sw (new patch) (2005-02-19) http://python.org/sf/1144549 opened by Reinhold Birkenfeld allow UNIX mmap size to default to current file size (new) (2005-02-19) http://python.org/sf/1144555 opened by Reinhold Birkenfeld Make OpenerDirector instances pickle-able (2005-02-20) http://python.org/sf/1144636 opened by John J Lee webbrowser.Netscape.open bug fix (2005-02-20) http://python.org/sf/1144816 opened by Pernici Mario Replace store/load pair with a single new opcode (2005-02-20) http://python.org/sf/1144842 opened by Raymond Hettinger Remove some invariant conditions and assert in ceval (2005-02-20) http://python.org/sf/1145039 opened by Neal Norwitz Patches Closed ______________ date.strptime and time.strptime as well (2005-02-04) http://python.org/sf/1116362 closed by josh-sf New / Reopened Bugs ___________________ attempting to use urllib2 on some URLs fails starting on 2.4 (2005-02-16) http://python.org/sf/1123695 opened by Stephan Sokolow descrintro describes __new__ and __init__ behavior wrong (2005-02-15) http://python.org/sf/1123716 opened by Steven Bethard gensuitemodule.processfile fails (2005-02-16) http://python.org/sf/1123727 opened by Jurjen N.E. Bos PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime documented as PyDate_FromDateAndT (2005-02-16) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1124278 opened by smilechaser Function's __name__ no longer accessible in restricted mode (2005-02-16) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1124295 opened by Tres Seaver Python24.dll crashes, EXAMPLE ATTACHED (2005-02-12) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1121201 reopened by complex IDLE line wrapping (2005-02-16) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1124503 opened by Chris Rebert test_os fails on 2.4 (2005-02-17) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1124513 reopened by doerwalter test_os fails on 2.4 (2005-02-16) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1124513 opened by Brett Cannon test_subprocess is far too slow (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1124637 opened by Michael Hudson Math mode not well handled in \documentclass{howto} (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1124692 opened by Daniele Varrazzo GetStdHandle in interactive GUI (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1124861 opened by davids subprocess.py Errors with IDLE (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1126208 opened by Kurt B. Kaiser subprocesss module retains older license header (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1138653 opened by Tres Seaver Python syntax is not so XML friendly! (2005-02-18) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1143855 opened by Colbert Philippe inspect.getsource() breakage in 2.4 (2005-02-18) http://python.org/sf/1143895 opened by Armin Rigo future warning in commets (2005-02-18) http://python.org/sf/1144057 opened by Grzegorz Makarewicz reload() is broken for C extension objects (2005-02-19) http://python.org/sf/1144263 opened by Matthew G. Knepley htmllib quote parse error within a <script> (2005-02-19) http://python.org/sf/1144533 opened by Allan Hoeltje No os.statvfs on FreeBSD (2005-02-21) http://python.org/sf/1145231 opened by Volker Stolz shutil.copystat() may fail... (2005-02-21) http://python.org/sf/1145257 opened by Petr Prikryl Strange behaviour concerning variable names (2005-02-22) CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1145950 opened by Felix Nawothnig bsddb3 build problems on FreeBSD (2.4 + 2.5) (2005-02-23) http://python.org/sf/1146231 opened by Andrew I MacIntyre Windows deadlock with PyEval_ReleaseLock (2005-02-22) http://python.org/sf/1147646 opened by Lou Montulli fix bsddb documentation psize -> pgsize (2005-02-22) http://python.org/sf/1149413 opened by Martin Mokrejs bssdb wrapper does not export some low-level functions (2005-02-23) http://python.org/sf/1149447 opened by Martin Mokrejs Bugs Closed ___________ Static library incompatible with nptl (2005-02-10) http://python.org/sf/1119860 closed by loewis PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime documented as PyDate_FromDateAndT (2005-02-16) http://python.org/sf/1124278 closed by bcannon Function's __name__ no longer accessible in restricted mode (2005-02-16) http://python.org/sf/1124295 closed by mwh Python24.dll crashes, EXAMPLE ATTACHED (2005-02-11) http://python.org/sf/1121201 closed by bcannon test_os fails on 2.4 (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1124513 closed by doerwalter test_os fails on 2.4 (2005-02-17) http://python.org/sf/1124513 closed by loewis Strange behaviour concerning variable names (2005-02-22) http://python.org/sf/1145950 closed by mwh RFE Closed __________ Option to force variables to be declared (2005-02-14) http://python.org/sf/1122279 closed by rhettinger Line Numbers (2005-02-14) http://python.org/sf/1122532 closed by kbk Python syntax is not so XML friendly! (2005-02-18) http://python.org/sf/1143855 closed by bcannon IDLE line wrapping (2005-02-16) http://python.org/sf/1124503 closed by kbk