On 22 October 2012 11:51, anatoly techtonik <techtonik@gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder if it will make the life easier if Python was installed with .py association to "%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe" "%1" %* It will remove the need to run .py scripts in virtualenv with explicit 'python' prefix.
In Python 3.3 and later, the "py.exe" launcher is installed, and this is the association for ".py" files by default. It looks at the #! line of .py files, so you can run a specific Python interpreter by giving its full path. You can also specify (for example) "python3" or "python3.2" to run a specific Python version. A less known fact is that you can define custom commands for py.exe in a py.ini file. So you can have [commands] vpy=python in your py.ini, and then start your script with #!vpy to make it use the currently active Python (whichever is on %PATH%). Hope that helps, Paul