Hi Steven, I thought they were looking for a company to help them with this project. I didn't want to take the lead on this but if I am then I'm sorry to say that the user story list for the beta is extremely boring: - user can subscribe for free during beta with an email - user can create a private repository - user can create a token - user can upload packages to the repository with their token - user can delete a package - user can delete a repository - user can delete their account But then if we want to pay for that it has to be much more interesting, you could go completely crazy on ideas: - user can create groups, assign permissions on packages etc - user has a command to upload that supports encryption for their packages to host on the public server, - user has a command to spawn a server for a given repository given a token, then packages could be uploaded/downloaded directly from their own network - that could also run on their private network in which case the public server can serve as proxy, - fun & profit Best regards