currently lots of code manages contexts incorrectly by doing: ``` @dataclasses.dataclass class WrapCmgr: _cmgr: ContextManager[T] def __enter__(self) -> Wrapped[T]: return wrap(_cmgr.__enter__()) def __exit__(self, \, t: Type[BaseException] | None, v: BaseException, tb: types.TracebackType) -> bool: return _cmgr.__exit__(t, v, tb) ``` since using `with WrapCmgr(cmgr()):` incorrectly raises an AttributeError rather than a TypeError and still includes this bug, raising an AttributeError ``` mgr = (EXPR) exit = type(mgr).__exit__ # Not calling it yet value = type(mgr).__enter__(mgr) ``` contextlib.ExitStack also had this bug given that it's hard to implement this correctly I think there should be a builtins.enter and builtins.aenter for use like this: ``` @dataclasses.dataclass class WrapCmgr: _cmgr: ContextManager[T] def __enter__(self) -> Wrapped[T]: exit, value = enter(self._cmgr) self.__exit = exit return wrap(value) def __exit__(self, \, t: Type[BaseException] | None, v: BaseException, tb: types.TracebackType) -> bool: return self.__exit(t, v, tb) ```