... [Tim]
def coll(SHIFT=24): ... from itertools import accumulate, chain, cycle ... LIMIT = 1 << SHIFT ... abc, first, deltas = buildtab(SHIFT, LIMIT) ... for num in accumulate(chain([first], cycle(deltas))): assert num % 3 != 2
As in Will's code, it would be more readable as:
for num in accumulate(cycle(deltas), start=first):
That does read better. I am curious how you would have written it as a plain for-loop before accumulate() was added
The original loop was quite different, a nested loop pair reflecting directly that candidates are of the form i * LIMIT + j for i >= 1 and j in goodix: for base in itertools.count(LIMIT, LIMIT): for ix in goodix: num = base + ix if num % 3 == 2: continue It was later I noticed that, across every 3 full iterations of the outer loop, exactly one third of the "num % 3 == 2" tests were true. It took some thought & a bit of proof to show that all and only the num % 3 != 2 candidates could be generated directly by the shorter code. BTW, count(LIMIT, LIMIT) is a bit of a head-scratcher itself ;-) Without `accumulate()`, I suppose I would have done this instead: num = first for delta in chain([0], cycle(deltas)): num += delta That's worse to my eyes! The `chain()` trick is still needed, but in this case to inject a 0 delta at the start so that `num` remains `first` across the first iteration. I should note that this is "a search loop" that rarely finds what it's looking for. There are several places in the body that give up on the current `num` and want to move on to the next candidate. So it's of great pragmatic value that it be written in a way such that a plain `continue` in the body does the right thing. For that reason, I would _not_ have written it as, e.g., num = first for delta in cycle(deltas): # masses of tests that may want to give up # early, excruciatingly nested so that "give up" # falls through to the end ... num += delta
(part of the argument against reduce() was that a plain for-loop would be clearer 99% of the time).
Except that isn't true: 99% of `reduce()` instances were replaced by `sum()` when the latter was introduced :-) "Sum reduction" and "running-sum accumulation" are primitives in many peoples' brains. In generalizing those to other dyadic operations, it's the abstraction itself that's responsible for the loss of clarity - now you're building a higher-order functional that's not a primitive in anyone's brain except for Ken Iverson and Kirby Urner ;-) The rest of us are better off seeing the moving pieces in a loop body. But that's simply not so for addition, which is why introducing `sum()` was a great idea. BTW, note that `sum()` also supports an optional `start=` argument. I expect (but don't know) that `accumulate()` is overwhelmingly used to do running sums (the only use I've had for it), so it's a bit odd on that count that it doesn't.
... Agreed that the "chain([x], it)" step is obscure. That's a bit of a bummer -- one of the goals for the itertools module was to be a generic toolkit for chopping-up, modifying, and splicing iterator streams (sort of a CRISPR for iterators).
I'd say it was overwhelmingly successful at that goal. The rub here appears to be that `x` on its own is not a stream - it has to be wrapped inside an iterable first to play nice with stream-based tools. In a stream-based language (like Haskell), there's usually a "cons" operation built in to prepend a scalar to a stream (like `x : it` in Haskell is pretty much the same as `chain([x], it)`).
The docs probably need another recipe to show this pattern:
def prepend(value, iterator): "prepend(1, [2, 3, 4]) -> 1 2 3 4" return chain([value], iterator)
+1. Whether `accumulate()` should grow a `start=` argument still seems a distinct (albeit related) issue to me, though.