I agree with the comment about removing full justification. Also, I think the Masonite docs' navigation is far superior to the Python docs. I like the full contents on the left, along with the version button, and the local jump on the right. The python docs require you to navigate somehwere else for the full contents. And, I don't undrstand why anyone would want "previous topic/next topic"—it's not like you're curling up with the Python docs before bed :) Finally, putting the docs in the center of the screen is better on today's giant monitors. On Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 11:21:48 PM UTC-4 Jonathan Goble wrote:
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 11:05 PM Mike Miller <python...@mgmiller.net> wrote:
One thing that drives me nuts about the current Python docs theme is the FULL JUSTIFICATION that adds random spaces into each line to make the edges line up!
Whatever y'all do, please remove that. :D I sometimes deactivate it in the browser dev tools but there it is again next refresh.
Please. Full justification is nice with narrow columns like newspapers, but on the web with wider paragraphs, it's annoying. I'd love to see it yanked from the Python docs.