[Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger@gmail.com>]
... Q. How readable is the proposed code? A. Look at the following code and ask yourself what it does:
accumulate(range(4, 6), operator.mul, start=6)
Now test your understanding:
How many values are emitted?
What is the first value emitted?
Are the two sixes related?
What is this code trying to accomplish?
It's quite obviously trying to bias the reader against the proposal by presenting a senseless example ;-) Assuming there's any real reason to write that code at all, a better question is whether it's more comprehensible than accumulate(itertools.chain([6], range(4, 6)), operator.mul)
... Q. What would this look like in real code? A. We have almost no real-world examples, but here is one from a StackExchange post:
def wsieve(): # wheel-sieve, by Will Ness. ideone.com/mqO25A->0hIE89 ...
By sheer coincidence, I happened to write another yesterday. This is from a program looking for the smallest integers that yield new records for Collatz sequence lengths. The details don't matter, except that - like Will Ness's wheel sieve code - it needs to generate an unbounded increasing sequence of integers with a periodic, but complicated, sequence of deltas, starting at a more-or-less arbitrary point. def buildtab(SHIFT, LIMIT): ... # Candidates are of the form i*LIMIT + j, for i >= 1 and j in # goodix. However, a new record can't be set for a number of # the form 3k+2: that's two steps after 2k+1, so the smaller # 2k+1 has a glide 2 longer. We want to arrange to never try # numbers of the form 3k+2 to begin with. base = 0 ix2 = [] for i in range(3): base += LIMIT for ix in goodix: num = base + ix if num % 3 != 2: ix2.append(num) ix2.append(ix2[0] + 3 * LIMIT) assert len(ix2) == 2 * len(goodix) + 1 del goodix deltas = tuple(ix2[i] - ix2[i-1] for i in range(1, len(ix2))) return tuple(result), ix2[0], deltas A note on "complicated": the tuple of deltas here can contain millions of integers, and that's the smallest length at which it becomes periodic. Later: def coll(SHIFT=24): ... from itertools import accumulate, chain, cycle ... LIMIT = 1 << SHIFT ... abc, first, deltas = buildtab(SHIFT, LIMIT) ... for num in accumulate(chain([first], cycle(deltas))): assert num % 3 != 2 As in Will's code, it would be more readable as: for num in accumulate(cycle(deltas), start=first): That says what it does pretty clearly, whereas deducing the behavior from "OK, it's chaining together a singleton list and a cycle, because ...?" is a bit of a head scratcher at first. That said, if the need came up often, as you noted it's dead easy to write a helper function to encapsulate the "head scratcher" part, and with no significant loss of efficiency. So I'd be -0 overall, _except_ that "chain together a singleton list and a cycle" is so obscure on the face of it than I'm not sure most programmers who wanted the functionality of `start=` would ever think of it. I'm not sure that I would have, except that I studied Ness's wheel sieve code a long time ago and the idea stuck. So that makes me +0.4.