I don't consider that a use case, or real code. ;-) Yes, you can construct curry with it. But what do you want to use curry for? Show me some actual Python packages that use the curry function (or your prepartial function) and then we can talk.
Original function: 1. urlparse( urlstring[, default_scheme[, allow_fragments]]) 2. urlretrieve( url[, filename[, reporthook[, data]]]) Prepartial in action: 1. parseA= prepartial( 'ftp', False ) 2. retrieveA= prepartial( 'temp.htm', callbackA ) Equivalent: 1. parseAB= partial( default_scheme= 'ftp', allow_fragments= True ) 2. retrieveAB= partial( filename= 'temp.htm', reporthook= callbackA ) Equivalent calls: 1. parseA( 'www.cwi.nl/%7Eguido/Python.html' ) 2. retrieveA( 'http://python.org/' ) Motto: - Programmer time is important - The stdlib does not contain application-level design