This idea was proposed to me at the core sprints last month by Larry Hastings. I've discussed it with a few people, who seem generally positive about it, and we've tweaked it a little bit. I've spent some time implementing it, and I think it's doable. I thought I'd post it here for any additional feedback. Here’s the idea: for f-strings, we add a !d conversion operator, which is superficially similar to !s, !r, and !a. The meaning of !d is: produce the text of the expression (not its value!), followed by an equal sign, followed by the repr of the value of the expression. So: value = 10 s = 'a string!' print(f'{value!d}') print(f'next: {value+1!d}') print(f'{s!d}') produces: value=10 next: value+1=11 s='a string!' I’m not proposing this for str.format(). It would only really make sense for named arguments, and I don’t think print('{value!d}'.format(value=value) is much of a win. The result is a string, so if you really wanted to, you could use a string formatting spec. So: print(f'*{value!d:^20}*' would produce: * value=10 * Although I don’t think that would be very useful in general. The mnemonic is !d for “debugging”. I’d wanted to use !=, because there’s an equal sign involved in the result, but = is the one character that can’t be used after ! (it’s “not equal” in expressions, and f-strings look specifically for that case). I also mentioned !!, but I think I prefer !d as being less confusing. This would be used in debugging print statements, that currently end up looking like: print(f'value={value!r}') and would now be: print(f'{value!d}') There have been discussions about ways to specify str() vs. repr(), using characters other than '=', adding spaces, etc. But they all end up over-complicating what should be a simple tool, not a Swiss Army knife. Thoughts? Eric

print(f'{value!d}') is a lot of symbols and boilerplate to type out just for a debugging statement that will be deleted later. Especially now that breakpoint() exists, I can't really see myself using this. I also don't see the use case of it being within an f-string, because I've never had to interpolate a debug string within some other string or format it in a fancy way. You said it yourself, taking advantage of other f-string features isn't very useful in this case. If other people can find a use for it, I'd suggest making it ita own function -- debug(value) or something similar. David On Tue, Oct 2, 2018, 8:27 PM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 1:45 PM David Teresi <dkteresi@gmail.com> wrote:
print(f'{value!d}') is a lot of symbols and boilerplate to type out just for a debugging statement that will be deleted later. Especially now that breakpoint() exists, I can't really see myself using this.
What about when you want to log something without stopping the program? TBH, I almost never use breakpoint.
I also don't see the use case of it being within an f-string, because I've never had to interpolate a debug string within some other string or format it in a fancy way. You said it yourself, taking advantage of other f-string features isn't very useful in this case.
It's an f-string because f-strings are already compiler magic, so the ability to display the expression as well as its result is more logical and plausible.
If other people can find a use for it, I'd suggest making it ita own function -- debug(value) or something similar.
As a normal function, that wouldn't be able to print out the text of the expression, only the resulting value. If debug(value) could print out "value: " and the value, then sure, but otherwise, it's not what this is proposing. ChrisA

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 8:44 PM, David Teresi <dkteresi@gmail.com> wrote:
There was some discussion of this back in April: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-April/050113.html I think the way I'd do it would be: Step 1: Take the current "lnotab" that lets us map bytecode offsets -> line numbers, and extend it with more detailed information, so that we can map e.g. a CALL operation to the exact start and end positions of that call expression in the source. This is free at runtime, and would allow more detailed tracebacks (see [1] for an example), and more detailed coverage information. It would definitely take some work to thread the necessary information through the compiler infrastructure, but I think this would be a worthwhile feature even without the debug() use case. Step 2: Add a 'debug' helper function that exploits the detailed information to reconstruct its call, by peeking into the calling frame and finding the source for the call. Of course this would be a strange and ugly thing to do for a regular function, but for a debugging helper it's reasonable. So e.g. if you had the code: total = debug(x) + debug(y / 10) The output might be: debug:myfile.py:10: 'x' is 3 debug:myfile.py:10: 'y / 10' is 7 Or if you have a clever UI, like in an IDE or ipython, maybe it overrides the debug() operator to print something like: total = debug(*x*) + debug(y / 10) ^ *3* total = debug(x) + debug(*y / 10*) ^^^^^^^ *7* (for anyone for whom the rendering is borked: on my screen the "x" on the first line and the "y / 10" on the second line are highlighted in a different font, and the carets draw an underline beneath them.) -n [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-April/050137.html -- Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

On 10/3/2018 1:40 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
Worth pointing out from that discussion is the "q" library: https://pypi.org/project/q/. I got excited about it back then, but never installed it.
I'm not positive, but isn't this what q does? Eric

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018, 03:55 Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
The difference is that without "step 1", there's no reliable way to figure out the value's source text. q does it by grabbing the source line and making some guesses based on heuristics, but e.g. in the example here it gets confused and prints: 0.0s <module>: x) + q(y / 10=3 0.0s <module>: x) + q(y / 10=7 So you can think of this idea as (1) make it possible to implement a reliable version of q, (2) add an built-in implementation. -n

It seems to me that a short form for keyword arguments would improve this situation too. So instead of your suggestion one could do: print(dict(=value)) And of course this feature wouldn’t be a minor feature on f-strings but a feature that is generally useful and composable so the above could be improved: def debug(**kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): print(f’{k}={v}’) debug(=value, =another) / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 2:11 PM Anders Hovmöller <boxed@killingar.net> wrote:
What if it's not a simple name, though? The OP gave this (somewhat simplistic, but indicative) example: print(f'next: {value+1!d}') AIUI, keyword arguments are all supposed to be legal names/atoms, so you aren't supposed to do something like this: debug(**{"value+1":value+1}) even though it does work in current versions of CPython. So even if your "=value" syntax did permit it, I wouldn't want to guarantee that in the language. (Side point: Please watch your mailer. The debug() function above has smart quotes in it, which means it can't be copied and pasted into the interpreter. Not a big problem with trivially-simple functions, but if it's something larger, it's annoying to have to track down "SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier" to figure out why it's not doing what you think it is.) ChrisA

debug(next=value+1) Still shorter than the proposed syntax and much more readable. If you do this a lot you’d probably call the function just “d” too.
Really? That seems pretty weird to me. I’ve used that type of thing in production code from time to time.
Well I haven’t suggested my syntax would support that. But yea, I realize I was pretty vague in my last email!
Huh. I’ll look into it. Thanks for the heads up. / Anders

On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 06:57:19AM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
Still shorter than the proposed syntax
Are we trying to emulate Perl now? *wink*
and much more readable.
So you say. To me that looks like a regular function call, which calls an ordinary function "debug" and takes a simple keyword argument next with value "value+1". Things which contain compiler magic should look special, not like ordinary function calls.
The fact that this works is, I think, an accident of implementation: py> def spam(**kw): ... print(kw) ... py> spam(**{"value+1": 42}) {'value+1': 42} rather than a guaranteed language feature. I can't find any relevent documentation on it, but I'd be very wary about relying on it. (To be honest, I expected it to fail until I tried it.) You certainly can't do this: py> spam(value+1=42) File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression -- Steve

That was what it was. That was not intended to be about magic, that was the normal case where you didn't want the magic. I think you might be taking a habit of interpreting my mails in the least flattering way due to our previous disagreements. I hope we can put this behind us going forward.
Things which contain compiler magic should look special, not like ordinary function calls.
Good. I agree :P
I don't really think accidents of implementation are different from hard requirements in Python, as it applies to alternative implementations. In practice if it deviates from CPython then it's broken. There is no language spec, there is only CPython. This has been the experience and approach of PyPy as far as I've understood it after having followed their blog over the years. / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 6:49 PM Anders Hovmöller <boxed@killingar.net> wrote:
I don't really think accidents of implementation are different from hard requirements in Python, as it applies to alternative implementations. In practice if it deviates from CPython then it's broken. There is no language spec, there is only CPython. This has been the experience and approach of PyPy as far as I've understood it after having followed their blog over the years.
Definitely not true. There have been times when other implementors have come to python-dev and said, hey, is this part of the spec or is it an implementation detail? And the answer determines whether they care about that or not. For just a few examples: 1) Reference counting vs nondeterministic garbage collection 2) O(1) indexing/slicing of Unicode strings 3) "\N{...}" string escapes (okay, that's standardized, but optional) 4) Reuse of id() values 5) The "slots" mechanism for dunder method lookup The language spec determines, in some cases, that a CPython implementation detail has been promoted to standard. More often, it determines that other Pythons are permitted to behave differently. ChrisA

Sometimes they will come away from this list thinking they don't care but then their users will report bugs over and over again and they'll just have to do it anyway. You probably won't hear about most of those. Trees that fall in the forest when no one is there do in fact make a sound. / Anders

As a user I would be really pleased with the change proposed, as I use extensively use f-string in my logging (the fact that I have to evaluate the string whatever the logger level is is not a performance hit for my application), and usually the most readable logging format is something akin to f"interesting_variable_name={interesting_variable_name}, big_list[:10]={big_list[:10]}". 2018-10-03 11:17 GMT+02:00 Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com>:
-- -- *Nicolas Rolin* | Data Scientist + 33 631992617 - nicolas.rolin@tiime.fr <prenom.nom@tiime.fr> *15 rue Auber, **75009 Paris* *www.tiime.fr <http://www.tiime.fr>*

Hi Eric Summary: This email is mainly about process. One discussion thread or several. I think the decision is yours. You wrote suggesting an enhancement for debugging:
You gave as one of several examples that given value = 10 the expression f'{value!d}' evaluates to 'value=10' which can then be printed or logged. I thank you and Larry Hastings for coming up with and exploring this idea. Here's my personal opinion, which does not count for much. I like the output and ease of use. I have doubts about the implementation, and how it might work with other things. And also, I'd like the change to go through the PEP process. The present discussion thread is spreading into other areas, such as what constitutes the Python language specification. I'd like to contribute to a broader discussion, of how we can improve the debugging experience. But I feel uncomfortable doing so in a discussion thread that started with your admirably clear focus. Briefly, Eric, would you like the general discussion of improving debugging to take place in this thread, or in another. Finally, if I may I thank you and Larry for your work on this important topic, and for starting this useful discussion. -- Jonathan

The present discussion thread is spreading into other areas, such as what constitutes the Python language specification.
I let myself get side tracked. This will be my last mail discussing that off topic thread. Sorry about that.
Please reconsider! We need more view points and good ideas. / Anders

On 10/3/2018 5:29 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I don't think a simple f-string feature needs a PEP. The implementation is pretty simple, since the f-string parser already has access to the string.
I think it would be more productive as a separate thread.
Finally, if I may I thank you and Larry for your work on this important topic, and for starting this useful discussion.
Thanks. It's what we do! Eric

On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 10:48:31AM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
Oh I'm sorry, I admit I read your earlier post wrongly. I missed that you were focused on the "=args" syntactic sugar and imagined you were proposing a magic debug() function as an alternative to this proposed f-string feature. The perils of skim reading. Mea culpa. -- Steve

[Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>]
Me neither ;-) But what if {EXPR!d:FMT} acted like the current EXPR={EXPR:FMT} ? I'd find _that_ useful often. For example, when displaying floats, where the repe is almost never what I want to see.
f"math.pi={math.pi:.2f}" 'math.pi=3.14'
I have plenty of code already embedding stuff of the form EXPR {EXPR:FMT} and don't really care whether there's a space or an "=" between the chunks. "!d" could act like a macro-expansion operator automating a mechanical transformation inside the f-string. Then I could read "!d" as "duplicate" instead of as "debug" ;-)

On 10/3/2018 12:23 AM, Tim Peters wrote:
That's a very interesting idea. It breaks the expectation (which might be mine alone!) that the format spec is used on the result of the conversion specifier (!s, !r). But maybe that's okay. It does seem generally more useful than the format spec being used on the repr of the evaluated expression. Eric

On 10/3/2018 7:07 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
After giving this some more thought, the problem with this approach is that there's no way to get the repr of the object, which for debugging can be pretty useful (think strings). Remember, by default object.__format__ calls object.__str__. I guess we could get around this by combining !d and !r and assigning some meaning to that, which I'd rather not do. Or, this occurred to me right before hitting "send": if there's no format spec, use repr(expr). If there is one (even if it's zero-length), use format(expr, spec). I'll have to think on that for a while. Maybe there's too much voodoo going on there. Eric

.... But what if
[Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>]
Sure there is: f"{repr(var)!d"} would expand to, as a matter of course (nothing special about it): f"{repr(var)={repr(var)}" which would yield, e.g., repr(var)=`a\n' Special shortcuts for calling `repr()` went out of style when Guido got rid of that meaning for the backtick symbol ;-) Remember, by default
object.__format__ calls object.__str__.
Which - since there's already a related default - makes it a Dubious Idea to make some other spelling use a different default.
The alternative: if I want repr,(which I usually don't), make me call "repr()" (which I don't mind at all). If there must be a shortcut, "!dr" or "!rd" are at least cryptically explicit, and {EXPR!dr} would expand to EXPR={repr(EXPR)}

Gah! You are overthinking it. This idea is only worth it if it's dead simple, and the version that Eric posted to start this thread, where !d uses the repr() of the expression, is the only one simple enough to bother implementing. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

In that case, I have no real use for it, for reasons already explained (I rarely want the repr, and already have lots of code that tediously repeats the EXPR {EXPR:FMT} pattern inside f-strings). Even for displaying integers, where you might _assume_ I'd be happy with the repr, I'm often not: print(f"nballs {nballs:,} into nbins {nbins:,}") is one I just happened to write today. Without comma formatting, the output is much harder to read. Note that transforming {EXPR!d:FMT} into EXPR={repr(EXPR):FMT} is actually slightly more involved than transforming it into EXPR={EXPR:FMT} so I don't buy the argument that the original idea is simpler. More magical and less useful, yes ;-)

[Eric V. Smith]
Actually, my proposal is to apply FMT to the entire result of
EXPR={repr(EXPR)}, not just the repr(EXPR) part. I'm not sure either is
particularly useful.
So the actual transformation is from {EXPR!d:FMT} to {"EXPR=" + repr(EXPR):FMT} I expect I'll barely use "!d" at all if the format doesn't apply to the result of EXPR, so I have no non-contrived ;-) opinion about that. BTW, I checked, and I've never used !r, !s, or !a. So the idea that the format could apply to a string - when EXPR itself doesn't evaluate to a string - is simply foreign to me. I suppose it's natural to people who do use ![rsa] all the time - if such people exist ;-)

I think I’ve come around to Tim’s way of thinking on this. If the format spec is basically useless (which I think it would be if it applied to either the whole string or to the repr of the value), then what’s the point of allowing it? I also want the 90% case to be addressed by just plain repr. I did consider (and implement) a version that prohibited format specs, but it seemed wrong to remove a feature that might have some clear use. So, my compromise is: - f"{expr!d}" expands to f"expr={repr(expr)}", but - f"{expr!d:spec} expands to f"expr={format(expr, spec)}" There’s some more discussion here: https://bugs.python.org/issue36774#msg341306 As Paul Moore says on that issue, this is explained as: use repr, unless you specify a format spec, then use format.
BTW, I checked, and I've never used !r, !s, or !a. So the idea that the format could apply to a string - when EXPR itself doesn't evaluate to a string - is simply foreign to me. I suppose it's natural to people who do use ![rsa] all the time - if such people exist ;-)
Especially when debugging and logging, I use !r all the time. Eric

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 08:27:03PM -0400, Eric V. Smith wrote:
I SO WANT THIS AS A GENERAL FEATURE, not just for f-strings, it hurts. Actually what I want is an executable object (a function?) which has the AST and text of the expression attached. If putting this into f-strings is a first step towards getting this thunk-like thing, then I don't need to read any further, I'm +10000 :-) But considering the proposal as you give it:
I can see lots of arguments about whether the equals sign should have spaces around it. Maybe !d for no spaces and !D for spaces? print(f'next: {value+1!d}') print(f'next: {value+1!D}') would print next: value+1=11 next: value+1 = 11
I'm not so sure that it only makes sense for named arguments. I think it works for arbitrary expressions too: f'{len("NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!")!d}' ought to return 'len("NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!")=39' which I can see being very useful in debugging expressions. This is perhaps the first time I've been excited and enthusiastic about f-strings. A definite +1 on this. -- Steve

Well... this is a trivial expansion of the keyword argument short form proposal you were very strongly opposed ^_- So, I suggested `foo(=a)` as short form for `foo(a=a)`, but if we interpret it instead as `foo(=a)` -> `foo(**{'a': a}`, which is really the same thing for most purposes, then we could trivially get `foo(=1+3*bar)` -> 'foo(**{'1+3*bar': 1+3*bar})' I'm fine with this proposal. And thanks Chris for the idea! / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 5:54 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Absolutely! I can't imagine doing *hugely* complex expressions, but consider: print(f"{request.args!d}") Technically that's an "arbitrary expression" and is most definitely not a named argument, but it's the sort of thing where you really do want the tag to say "request.args" and not just "args" or anything like that. Ideally, I'd like to be able to write this as: dump(request.args) and have it pick up both the string "request.args" and the value of request.args, but the f-string variant is absolutely okay with me as a partial solution. ChrisA

On 10/3/2018 3:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I feel your pain, but we're a long way from that.
I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. I considered a whole format spec language for this, but it sort of got out of hand.
Yes, that's part of the proposal, but I wasn't very clear. That's what the "value+1" example was supposed to convey. My comment about named parameters applied only to str.format(), and why it won't be supported there. Eric

On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 11:45, Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
Maybe we are actually not so far? PEP 563 added functionality for transforming expressions to strings, maybe it can be reused for this purpose? I would love to have this since in my experience I mostly print some (relatively complex) expressions. -- Ivan

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:28 AM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
I think the feature is useful to avoid re-typing the expressions. But still, the syntax is a bit obscure, and the feature is very limited (can't construct anything but "x=x"). That makes me personally less enthusiastic about using it instead of the common: f" x = {x}". (yes I use spaces around = most of the time and probably only spaces for table-like output) Did you think about more general syntax for repetitions? If there would be a way to repeat entries, one could do similar output without much extra typing. E.g. an asterisk for "same expression" ? price = 10 s = f"{price} {*}" # 10 10 And then using say {expr !} would print _only_ the expression string. So with e.g. some variable: variable = 13.18654937 f"{variable !} = {*:.4f} {*:.2f} {*:.0f}" prints: variable = 13.1865 13.19 13 Something like that. It is more complex implementation, etc, but has better, verbose appearance Imo and not so limited. And custom formatting is important to achieve a readable output. Mikhail

See https://bugs.python.org/issue36774. On 10/2/18 8:27 PM, Eric V. Smith wrote:

print(f'{value!d}') is a lot of symbols and boilerplate to type out just for a debugging statement that will be deleted later. Especially now that breakpoint() exists, I can't really see myself using this. I also don't see the use case of it being within an f-string, because I've never had to interpolate a debug string within some other string or format it in a fancy way. You said it yourself, taking advantage of other f-string features isn't very useful in this case. If other people can find a use for it, I'd suggest making it ita own function -- debug(value) or something similar. David On Tue, Oct 2, 2018, 8:27 PM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 1:45 PM David Teresi <dkteresi@gmail.com> wrote:
print(f'{value!d}') is a lot of symbols and boilerplate to type out just for a debugging statement that will be deleted later. Especially now that breakpoint() exists, I can't really see myself using this.
What about when you want to log something without stopping the program? TBH, I almost never use breakpoint.
I also don't see the use case of it being within an f-string, because I've never had to interpolate a debug string within some other string or format it in a fancy way. You said it yourself, taking advantage of other f-string features isn't very useful in this case.
It's an f-string because f-strings are already compiler magic, so the ability to display the expression as well as its result is more logical and plausible.
If other people can find a use for it, I'd suggest making it ita own function -- debug(value) or something similar.
As a normal function, that wouldn't be able to print out the text of the expression, only the resulting value. If debug(value) could print out "value: " and the value, then sure, but otherwise, it's not what this is proposing. ChrisA

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 8:44 PM, David Teresi <dkteresi@gmail.com> wrote:
There was some discussion of this back in April: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-April/050113.html I think the way I'd do it would be: Step 1: Take the current "lnotab" that lets us map bytecode offsets -> line numbers, and extend it with more detailed information, so that we can map e.g. a CALL operation to the exact start and end positions of that call expression in the source. This is free at runtime, and would allow more detailed tracebacks (see [1] for an example), and more detailed coverage information. It would definitely take some work to thread the necessary information through the compiler infrastructure, but I think this would be a worthwhile feature even without the debug() use case. Step 2: Add a 'debug' helper function that exploits the detailed information to reconstruct its call, by peeking into the calling frame and finding the source for the call. Of course this would be a strange and ugly thing to do for a regular function, but for a debugging helper it's reasonable. So e.g. if you had the code: total = debug(x) + debug(y / 10) The output might be: debug:myfile.py:10: 'x' is 3 debug:myfile.py:10: 'y / 10' is 7 Or if you have a clever UI, like in an IDE or ipython, maybe it overrides the debug() operator to print something like: total = debug(*x*) + debug(y / 10) ^ *3* total = debug(x) + debug(*y / 10*) ^^^^^^^ *7* (for anyone for whom the rendering is borked: on my screen the "x" on the first line and the "y / 10" on the second line are highlighted in a different font, and the carets draw an underline beneath them.) -n [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-April/050137.html -- Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

On 10/3/2018 1:40 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
Worth pointing out from that discussion is the "q" library: https://pypi.org/project/q/. I got excited about it back then, but never installed it.
I'm not positive, but isn't this what q does? Eric

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018, 03:55 Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
The difference is that without "step 1", there's no reliable way to figure out the value's source text. q does it by grabbing the source line and making some guesses based on heuristics, but e.g. in the example here it gets confused and prints: 0.0s <module>: x) + q(y / 10=3 0.0s <module>: x) + q(y / 10=7 So you can think of this idea as (1) make it possible to implement a reliable version of q, (2) add an built-in implementation. -n

It seems to me that a short form for keyword arguments would improve this situation too. So instead of your suggestion one could do: print(dict(=value)) And of course this feature wouldn’t be a minor feature on f-strings but a feature that is generally useful and composable so the above could be improved: def debug(**kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): print(f’{k}={v}’) debug(=value, =another) / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 2:11 PM Anders Hovmöller <boxed@killingar.net> wrote:
What if it's not a simple name, though? The OP gave this (somewhat simplistic, but indicative) example: print(f'next: {value+1!d}') AIUI, keyword arguments are all supposed to be legal names/atoms, so you aren't supposed to do something like this: debug(**{"value+1":value+1}) even though it does work in current versions of CPython. So even if your "=value" syntax did permit it, I wouldn't want to guarantee that in the language. (Side point: Please watch your mailer. The debug() function above has smart quotes in it, which means it can't be copied and pasted into the interpreter. Not a big problem with trivially-simple functions, but if it's something larger, it's annoying to have to track down "SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier" to figure out why it's not doing what you think it is.) ChrisA

debug(next=value+1) Still shorter than the proposed syntax and much more readable. If you do this a lot you’d probably call the function just “d” too.
Really? That seems pretty weird to me. I’ve used that type of thing in production code from time to time.
Well I haven’t suggested my syntax would support that. But yea, I realize I was pretty vague in my last email!
Huh. I’ll look into it. Thanks for the heads up. / Anders

On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 06:57:19AM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
Still shorter than the proposed syntax
Are we trying to emulate Perl now? *wink*
and much more readable.
So you say. To me that looks like a regular function call, which calls an ordinary function "debug" and takes a simple keyword argument next with value "value+1". Things which contain compiler magic should look special, not like ordinary function calls.
The fact that this works is, I think, an accident of implementation: py> def spam(**kw): ... print(kw) ... py> spam(**{"value+1": 42}) {'value+1': 42} rather than a guaranteed language feature. I can't find any relevent documentation on it, but I'd be very wary about relying on it. (To be honest, I expected it to fail until I tried it.) You certainly can't do this: py> spam(value+1=42) File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression -- Steve

That was what it was. That was not intended to be about magic, that was the normal case where you didn't want the magic. I think you might be taking a habit of interpreting my mails in the least flattering way due to our previous disagreements. I hope we can put this behind us going forward.
Things which contain compiler magic should look special, not like ordinary function calls.
Good. I agree :P
I don't really think accidents of implementation are different from hard requirements in Python, as it applies to alternative implementations. In practice if it deviates from CPython then it's broken. There is no language spec, there is only CPython. This has been the experience and approach of PyPy as far as I've understood it after having followed their blog over the years. / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 6:49 PM Anders Hovmöller <boxed@killingar.net> wrote:
I don't really think accidents of implementation are different from hard requirements in Python, as it applies to alternative implementations. In practice if it deviates from CPython then it's broken. There is no language spec, there is only CPython. This has been the experience and approach of PyPy as far as I've understood it after having followed their blog over the years.
Definitely not true. There have been times when other implementors have come to python-dev and said, hey, is this part of the spec or is it an implementation detail? And the answer determines whether they care about that or not. For just a few examples: 1) Reference counting vs nondeterministic garbage collection 2) O(1) indexing/slicing of Unicode strings 3) "\N{...}" string escapes (okay, that's standardized, but optional) 4) Reuse of id() values 5) The "slots" mechanism for dunder method lookup The language spec determines, in some cases, that a CPython implementation detail has been promoted to standard. More often, it determines that other Pythons are permitted to behave differently. ChrisA

Sometimes they will come away from this list thinking they don't care but then their users will report bugs over and over again and they'll just have to do it anyway. You probably won't hear about most of those. Trees that fall in the forest when no one is there do in fact make a sound. / Anders

As a user I would be really pleased with the change proposed, as I use extensively use f-string in my logging (the fact that I have to evaluate the string whatever the logger level is is not a performance hit for my application), and usually the most readable logging format is something akin to f"interesting_variable_name={interesting_variable_name}, big_list[:10]={big_list[:10]}". 2018-10-03 11:17 GMT+02:00 Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com>:
-- -- *Nicolas Rolin* | Data Scientist + 33 631992617 - nicolas.rolin@tiime.fr <prenom.nom@tiime.fr> *15 rue Auber, **75009 Paris* *www.tiime.fr <http://www.tiime.fr>*

Hi Eric Summary: This email is mainly about process. One discussion thread or several. I think the decision is yours. You wrote suggesting an enhancement for debugging:
You gave as one of several examples that given value = 10 the expression f'{value!d}' evaluates to 'value=10' which can then be printed or logged. I thank you and Larry Hastings for coming up with and exploring this idea. Here's my personal opinion, which does not count for much. I like the output and ease of use. I have doubts about the implementation, and how it might work with other things. And also, I'd like the change to go through the PEP process. The present discussion thread is spreading into other areas, such as what constitutes the Python language specification. I'd like to contribute to a broader discussion, of how we can improve the debugging experience. But I feel uncomfortable doing so in a discussion thread that started with your admirably clear focus. Briefly, Eric, would you like the general discussion of improving debugging to take place in this thread, or in another. Finally, if I may I thank you and Larry for your work on this important topic, and for starting this useful discussion. -- Jonathan

The present discussion thread is spreading into other areas, such as what constitutes the Python language specification.
I let myself get side tracked. This will be my last mail discussing that off topic thread. Sorry about that.
Please reconsider! We need more view points and good ideas. / Anders

On 10/3/2018 5:29 AM, Jonathan Fine wrote:
I don't think a simple f-string feature needs a PEP. The implementation is pretty simple, since the f-string parser already has access to the string.
I think it would be more productive as a separate thread.
Finally, if I may I thank you and Larry for your work on this important topic, and for starting this useful discussion.
Thanks. It's what we do! Eric

On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 10:48:31AM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
Oh I'm sorry, I admit I read your earlier post wrongly. I missed that you were focused on the "=args" syntactic sugar and imagined you were proposing a magic debug() function as an alternative to this proposed f-string feature. The perils of skim reading. Mea culpa. -- Steve

[Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>]
Me neither ;-) But what if {EXPR!d:FMT} acted like the current EXPR={EXPR:FMT} ? I'd find _that_ useful often. For example, when displaying floats, where the repe is almost never what I want to see.
f"math.pi={math.pi:.2f}" 'math.pi=3.14'
I have plenty of code already embedding stuff of the form EXPR {EXPR:FMT} and don't really care whether there's a space or an "=" between the chunks. "!d" could act like a macro-expansion operator automating a mechanical transformation inside the f-string. Then I could read "!d" as "duplicate" instead of as "debug" ;-)

On 10/3/2018 12:23 AM, Tim Peters wrote:
That's a very interesting idea. It breaks the expectation (which might be mine alone!) that the format spec is used on the result of the conversion specifier (!s, !r). But maybe that's okay. It does seem generally more useful than the format spec being used on the repr of the evaluated expression. Eric

On 10/3/2018 7:07 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
After giving this some more thought, the problem with this approach is that there's no way to get the repr of the object, which for debugging can be pretty useful (think strings). Remember, by default object.__format__ calls object.__str__. I guess we could get around this by combining !d and !r and assigning some meaning to that, which I'd rather not do. Or, this occurred to me right before hitting "send": if there's no format spec, use repr(expr). If there is one (even if it's zero-length), use format(expr, spec). I'll have to think on that for a while. Maybe there's too much voodoo going on there. Eric

.... But what if
[Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com>]
Sure there is: f"{repr(var)!d"} would expand to, as a matter of course (nothing special about it): f"{repr(var)={repr(var)}" which would yield, e.g., repr(var)=`a\n' Special shortcuts for calling `repr()` went out of style when Guido got rid of that meaning for the backtick symbol ;-) Remember, by default
object.__format__ calls object.__str__.
Which - since there's already a related default - makes it a Dubious Idea to make some other spelling use a different default.
The alternative: if I want repr,(which I usually don't), make me call "repr()" (which I don't mind at all). If there must be a shortcut, "!dr" or "!rd" are at least cryptically explicit, and {EXPR!dr} would expand to EXPR={repr(EXPR)}

Gah! You are overthinking it. This idea is only worth it if it's dead simple, and the version that Eric posted to start this thread, where !d uses the repr() of the expression, is the only one simple enough to bother implementing. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

In that case, I have no real use for it, for reasons already explained (I rarely want the repr, and already have lots of code that tediously repeats the EXPR {EXPR:FMT} pattern inside f-strings). Even for displaying integers, where you might _assume_ I'd be happy with the repr, I'm often not: print(f"nballs {nballs:,} into nbins {nbins:,}") is one I just happened to write today. Without comma formatting, the output is much harder to read. Note that transforming {EXPR!d:FMT} into EXPR={repr(EXPR):FMT} is actually slightly more involved than transforming it into EXPR={EXPR:FMT} so I don't buy the argument that the original idea is simpler. More magical and less useful, yes ;-)

[Eric V. Smith]
Actually, my proposal is to apply FMT to the entire result of
EXPR={repr(EXPR)}, not just the repr(EXPR) part. I'm not sure either is
particularly useful.
So the actual transformation is from {EXPR!d:FMT} to {"EXPR=" + repr(EXPR):FMT} I expect I'll barely use "!d" at all if the format doesn't apply to the result of EXPR, so I have no non-contrived ;-) opinion about that. BTW, I checked, and I've never used !r, !s, or !a. So the idea that the format could apply to a string - when EXPR itself doesn't evaluate to a string - is simply foreign to me. I suppose it's natural to people who do use ![rsa] all the time - if such people exist ;-)

I think I’ve come around to Tim’s way of thinking on this. If the format spec is basically useless (which I think it would be if it applied to either the whole string or to the repr of the value), then what’s the point of allowing it? I also want the 90% case to be addressed by just plain repr. I did consider (and implement) a version that prohibited format specs, but it seemed wrong to remove a feature that might have some clear use. So, my compromise is: - f"{expr!d}" expands to f"expr={repr(expr)}", but - f"{expr!d:spec} expands to f"expr={format(expr, spec)}" There’s some more discussion here: https://bugs.python.org/issue36774#msg341306 As Paul Moore says on that issue, this is explained as: use repr, unless you specify a format spec, then use format.
BTW, I checked, and I've never used !r, !s, or !a. So the idea that the format could apply to a string - when EXPR itself doesn't evaluate to a string - is simply foreign to me. I suppose it's natural to people who do use ![rsa] all the time - if such people exist ;-)
Especially when debugging and logging, I use !r all the time. Eric

On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 08:27:03PM -0400, Eric V. Smith wrote:
I SO WANT THIS AS A GENERAL FEATURE, not just for f-strings, it hurts. Actually what I want is an executable object (a function?) which has the AST and text of the expression attached. If putting this into f-strings is a first step towards getting this thunk-like thing, then I don't need to read any further, I'm +10000 :-) But considering the proposal as you give it:
I can see lots of arguments about whether the equals sign should have spaces around it. Maybe !d for no spaces and !D for spaces? print(f'next: {value+1!d}') print(f'next: {value+1!D}') would print next: value+1=11 next: value+1 = 11
I'm not so sure that it only makes sense for named arguments. I think it works for arbitrary expressions too: f'{len("NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!")!d}' ought to return 'len("NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!")=39' which I can see being very useful in debugging expressions. This is perhaps the first time I've been excited and enthusiastic about f-strings. A definite +1 on this. -- Steve

Well... this is a trivial expansion of the keyword argument short form proposal you were very strongly opposed ^_- So, I suggested `foo(=a)` as short form for `foo(a=a)`, but if we interpret it instead as `foo(=a)` -> `foo(**{'a': a}`, which is really the same thing for most purposes, then we could trivially get `foo(=1+3*bar)` -> 'foo(**{'1+3*bar': 1+3*bar})' I'm fine with this proposal. And thanks Chris for the idea! / Anders

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 5:54 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Absolutely! I can't imagine doing *hugely* complex expressions, but consider: print(f"{request.args!d}") Technically that's an "arbitrary expression" and is most definitely not a named argument, but it's the sort of thing where you really do want the tag to say "request.args" and not just "args" or anything like that. Ideally, I'd like to be able to write this as: dump(request.args) and have it pick up both the string "request.args" and the value of request.args, but the f-string variant is absolutely okay with me as a partial solution. ChrisA

On 10/3/2018 3:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I feel your pain, but we're a long way from that.
I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. I considered a whole format spec language for this, but it sort of got out of hand.
Yes, that's part of the proposal, but I wasn't very clear. That's what the "value+1" example was supposed to convey. My comment about named parameters applied only to str.format(), and why it won't be supported there. Eric

On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 11:45, Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
Maybe we are actually not so far? PEP 563 added functionality for transforming expressions to strings, maybe it can be reused for this purpose? I would love to have this since in my experience I mostly print some (relatively complex) expressions. -- Ivan

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:28 AM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
I think the feature is useful to avoid re-typing the expressions. But still, the syntax is a bit obscure, and the feature is very limited (can't construct anything but "x=x"). That makes me personally less enthusiastic about using it instead of the common: f" x = {x}". (yes I use spaces around = most of the time and probably only spaces for table-like output) Did you think about more general syntax for repetitions? If there would be a way to repeat entries, one could do similar output without much extra typing. E.g. an asterisk for "same expression" ? price = 10 s = f"{price} {*}" # 10 10 And then using say {expr !} would print _only_ the expression string. So with e.g. some variable: variable = 13.18654937 f"{variable !} = {*:.4f} {*:.2f} {*:.0f}" prints: variable = 13.1865 13.19 13 Something like that. It is more complex implementation, etc, but has better, verbose appearance Imo and not so limited. And custom formatting is important to achieve a readable output. Mikhail

See https://bugs.python.org/issue36774. On 10/2/18 8:27 PM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
participants (12)
Anders Hovmöller
Chris Angelico
David Teresi
Eric V. Smith
Guido van Rossum
Ivan Levkivskyi
Jonathan Fine
Mikhail V
Nathaniel Smith
Nicolas Rolin
Steven D'Aprano
Tim Peters