On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 3:47 PM, arun chhetri <chhetriarun84@gmail.com> wrote:
from twisted.web import resource, server from twisted.web import http
class HomePage(resource.Resource): def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.putChild('calendar',Calendar(user=None,pswd=None,server=None))
def render(self,request): return"""<html><body> <a href = calendar>Here is the solution <body> </html>""" def getChild(self,path,request): return Calendar(request.args["user"],request.args["pswd"],request.args["server"])
class Calendar(resource.Resource): def __init__(self,user,pswd,server): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.user = user self.pswd = pswd self.server = server self.putChild('month',Month(user))
def render(self,request): return"""<p> The user is %s <a href=/calendar/month> The link to the month is this """%self.user[0]
def getChild(self,path,request): return Month(self.user[0])
class Month(resource.Resource): def __init__(self,user): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.user = user def render(self,request): return """ %s"""%self.user
if __name__=="__main__": from twisted.internet import reactor root = HomePage() site = server.Site(root) reactor.listenTCP(8000,site) reactor.run()
now if i go to http://localhost:8000/?user=arun&pswd=test&server=test i get this The user is arun The link to the month is this and if I click the link then I get None
Can anybody help me how I can redirect the value self.user to Month so that instead of None it shows the user name provided in query string
Thanks in advance
Hey Arun, The problem is that you're mixing two different patterns: an object store (pre-created hierarchy of parents/children) and dynamically generated children. The latter is the easiest case to talk about, since it's the classic HTTP GET where you pass all the arguments you need for any given request. If that's what you want to do, then your application needs to add query parameters to every link that it renders. The quickest way to do that with your example code and without changing anything would be to change Calendar.render to the following: def render(self,request): return """ <p> The user is %s <a href=/calendar/month?user=%s&pswd=%s&server=%s>The link to the month is this """ % ( self.user[0], self.user[0], self.pswd[0], self.server[0]) and remove your HomePage.__init__ method. The first option is what I'd guess you were originally aiming for. This is a very different pattern: you want an object to be created with appropriate data stored on attributes, and you want to be able to refer to those objects and the values of their attributes in the future, not create them on the fly. There are probably some quick hacks that could demonstrate how to do this, but as soon as you tried to do anything remotely real with those hacks, you'd be in trouble. If this is really what you want, then you should spend some time getting to know Axiom. Hope that helps. If not, feel free to ask more questions, d