On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 06:25:05PM -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
I think we should give screwtape an SVN account and make him an official reviewer. He's been doing a lot of work on the distutils code which would be made easier by that, and he's been doing pretty decent reviews.
Well, this is a bit of a boost to the ol' ego. :D The reason I've resisted asking for commit access before this is that most of my efforts for Twisted have been either (a) things directly useful for $EMPLOYER's Twisted deployments (such as the distutils changes you mention), or (b) things indirectly useful for the purposes of (a), such as cutting down the review queue to make it more likely that my patches will be reviewed. While my non-work-related contributions are non-zero, they're a lot less than my work-related contributions. That said, I've been following the Twisted project since (checks mailing-list archive) October 2002, and I fully intend to keep contributing reviews at the very least no matter who my employer is at the time. If you still think I'm a good candidate for committership, I'll happily accept. Tim "Screwtape" Allen