On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 01:59, Oliver Nelson wrote:
Reading the docs on the twisted web server I see that it automatically handles object publishing. But what if I want to respond to requests that aren't based on a object structure? IOW:
Client does a GET on: localhost/infodir/subdir/doc.txt
in this case infodir, subdir, and doc.txt would actually be info to lookup in a database on the fly, no object structure. Is this possible?
I hope I'm explaining myself ok...
Well, I'm no expert on twisted-web, but I wanted to answer your question in at least a general sense. It is indeed possible to perform such a task, as twisted.web's object lookup is completely customizable. Drop in on #twisted on irc.freenode.net and ask someone in there, or if no one else responds to this thread, email me and I'll help you find out how to do what you're interested in doing. - Jonathan Simms (slyphon)