[Twisted-Python] some general questions

Hello, I'm considering to write a commercial network application in Twisted, and would like to understand it a little better. I have several questions for which I didn't find answers by skimming over the documentation. I'd be happy to add them to the FAQ later! 1. I've used Pyro in the past for networking in Python, and it has a nice name server that enables each part of the application know the others by acting as a central directory of server addresses. Is there anything comparable in Twisted, or maybe a different idiom, other than specifying explicitly in the client configuration the addresses of servers? 2. Pyro also uses a UDP broadcast mechanism to make the name server accessible from every computer in a network, which relieves clients from requiring an explicit specification of the name server's location, which makes it possible to write more friendly, out-of-the-box applications. Is there an implementation of such a thing in Twisted? If not, how complicated is it to make? 3. In the howtos, all client logic is defined before running a reactor (in the protocol or using deferreds); In the case of a GUI client, I would like communication with servers to be trigerred by user actions. How do I define such events? 4. How do I make clients that are also servers? For example, a GUI that acts as a front-end to remote servers, but also accepts random requests (such as chat). 5. It is often desired to send a message to a remote server without requiring any response other than a confirmation that the message was sent. In a previous project, I made a mechanism that accepts such messages, and tries to send them periodically until it succeeds. The sending function is not concerned with the consequences of the request because it is assured that the message with be eventually sent, thus it can send such messages using a simple function call, and without worrying about the results (i.e. catching exceptions, or adding errbacks). Is there anything comparable in Twisted? 6. As I understand it there are three ways to construct a Twisted application: (i) writing a tap plug-in (I think) and using mktap, then running it with twistd, (ii) writing an application configuration file (tac), then running with twistd, and (iii) making a runnable script using reactor.run. What are the benefits of writing a tap plug-in compared with an application configuration file, and what are the benefits of using twistd compared with making an executable script? 7. I want to eventually produce a stand-alone installable application that will be expected to run out-of-the-box. I thought about using py2exe, but couldn't find much information about using it and Twisted together. Are there other common methods to achieve stand-aloneness with Twisted? Thanks, Joe __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail

Joachim Boomberschloss wrote:
Twisted Spread offers the Perspective Broker, which I think would be similar to Pyro: http://twistedmatrix.com/products/spread It's async, which is probably a big difference in programming style. What I've read about Pyro also seems to imply shuttling of code back and forth which is not something PB does.
Some people have integrated pyzeroconf with twisted. Zeroconf (aka Rendezvous) is a protocol for discovering services on your network (it's how Apple's products like iTunes work).
Not sure I understand the question here. I don't believe that using Twisted changes how you receive your events. It changes all of your network access to be asynchronous, but otherwise the rest of your code sure work as you're used to.
You just set up your client software to listen on a port, providing a particular service.
py2exe works fine with Twisted (as does py2app on the Mac) Kevin

Joachim Boomberschloss wrote:
Twisted Spread offers the Perspective Broker, which I think would be similar to Pyro: http://twistedmatrix.com/products/spread It's async, which is probably a big difference in programming style. What I've read about Pyro also seems to imply shuttling of code back and forth which is not something PB does.
Some people have integrated pyzeroconf with twisted. Zeroconf (aka Rendezvous) is a protocol for discovering services on your network (it's how Apple's products like iTunes work).
Not sure I understand the question here. I don't believe that using Twisted changes how you receive your events. It changes all of your network access to be asynchronous, but otherwise the rest of your code sure work as you're used to.
You just set up your client software to listen on a port, providing a particular service.
py2exe works fine with Twisted (as does py2app on the Mac) Kevin
participants (2)
Joachim Boomberschloss
Kevin Dangoor