[Twisted-Python] [ANN] txWS 0.6.2
Hi, I figured I should announce this, so: txWS 0.6.2 has been made available. You can grab it from PyPI (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/txWS) or from source on Github (https://github.com/MostAwesomeDude/txWS). txWS is a small, single-module library for augmenting Twisted with WebSockets support. Unlike other approaches, txWS has a minimalist philosophy and only provides enough WebSockets machinery to wrap server factories. Notably, txWS does not provide a WebSockets client; we believe that it is harmful to the ecosystem of the Internet to do so. (Additionally, I'm only paid for the server-side stuff.) Feedback (i.e. criticism, insults) is welcome; this library has seen exactly zero usage outside OSUOSL and we hope to continue to contribute to the Twisted world. ~ C. Oregon State University Open Source Lab -- When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir? ~ Keynes Corbin Simpson <MostAwesomeDude@gmail.com>
participants (1)
Corbin Simpson