Hi all, Currently to verify file integrity with the install script we download sidecar md5 file from yt-project.org. These aren't versioned, and md5 itself is largely deprecated for this. I've created a new sha512-using version of the install script, which uses sha512 hashes stored *in the install script* to verify file integrity. This way any time these change we will be notified of them. I'd like it if a few people could test this -- I have -- on pristine systems. It changes both how the files are downloaded and it now uses sha512sum, which should be available on most systems (according to Kacper :). You can do this by: wget https://bitbucket.org/MatthewTurk/yt/raw/367ea3bfff2e/doc/install_script.sh and then running it, but maybe supplying an alternate directory rather than the default. Thanks for any feedback. -Matt