Hi everybody! The results of the triage poll are in -- it looks like Thursday is the best day for triage meetings for early 2021 (we will do another poll when summer rolls around). The times are: Morning: 10AM central (4:00PM UTC) and Afternoon: 3PM central (9:00 PM UTC) I will add these to the yt calendar and add a notice in the yt slack workspace (we have a pullrequest-triage channel where it will be announced). We will start tomorrow with the morning time. Next week's triage meeting will be the afternoon time. Times will alternate weeks. I look forward to seeing you all there! Madicken zoom details: Morning meeting: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/85156413298?pwd=U0IvbW5HOXRhME5QUUgrTVlqL2prQT09 Afternoon meeting: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/81750565602?pwd=WWFMLzk4Z3N0MDVuRmNiYUJDaExndz09 On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 11:32 AM Madicken Munk <madicken.munk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi yt-users!
It's been a while since we've had scheduled triage meetings during the week. We use triage meetings to do development and maintenance work on the project. If you'd like to help contribute to making yt *better* and maybe even more useful for you, consider attending! All skill levels in development are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you're a bit shy, don't worry, you can also attend and just listen!
I've created two polls. The first is morning in central US timezone to hopefully catch times where project members located in Europe can join, and the second is for afternoon/early evening in the central US timezone so project members on the west coast and asia can hopefully join. Vote in whatever poll applies to you (or both if you find all times work). We will choose times to accommodate the most people, and I personally would love to see all of you attend!!!
I've put times for next week, but know that these polls are your *general availability *weekly for the next few months.
Morning Poll: http://whenisgood.net/tmdfp2i
Afternoon Poll: http://whenisgood.net/i2c8n3b
- Madicken