Dear yt users, We are currently testing the revived nightly builds of yt. It would be enormously helpful to have some real-world testing before making it official. And we need your help! We have set up the system so that the latest development version of yt could be installed from our custom anaconda channel using the command:
conda install -c yt-project/label/dev yt
If you have a few minutes time, you could help testing doing the following: 1. Install yt using the command above in a fresh conda environment. 2. Try some simple yt scripts, like loading a dataset. 3. Report back here whether it is a success and whatever issues you have encountered. Also include the system information (Linux, macOS, Windows) and Python version (2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7). For people more developer-minded, we welcome your comments in the pull request: yt-project/yt#2030 <https://github.com/yt-project/yt/pull/2030>. Thanks in advance for your invaluable feedback! Best regards, Bili