[pytest-dev] plugins/pytest-qt and cx_Freeze

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu Jun 18 17:21:10 CEST 2015

> Another solution would be to explicitly pass the plugin in the command line
> using `-p pytestq.plugin`.

Sorry for the double-post - I found an (IMHO) slightly better solution

As said before I'm using a separate test executable, and I noticed
pytest.main takes a plugins-argument with a list of plugin entry

I now changed the script to import the plugins and run pytest


Contrary to the other solutions, this makes cx_Freeze realize it
should also freeze those modules, as they're imported in the script
which gets frozen - so there's less duplication.

The only thing I had to give cx_Freeze a little hint about is the
import of the PyQt5.QtTest module, as it's unused in my project
otherwise, but pytest-qt uses it - and it uses a compatibility layer
which causes cx_Freeze to not pick this up.


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