[python-advocacy] Python Advocacy at OSCON, July 23 - 27

Michael Pittaro mikeyp at snaplogic.org
Wed Jul 11 00:43:03 CEST 2007

David Goodger wrote:
> On 7/10/07, Michael Pittaro <mikeyp at snaplogic.org> wrote:
>> One though is to to set up an Advocacy BOF on Monday to coordinate
>> activities during OSCON.    However, I'm not sure who will be arriving
>> that early, or whether it's better to coordinate activities sooner.
> I'm also arriving July 23rd.  If you set up something (probably
> evening, after the tutorials), I'll be there.  It would be good to
> announce it (and the Wednesday BoF) on python-list and
> python-announce.  I can do a PSF blog entry.
OK, we have a Python Advocacy Bof confirmed for Monday, 6:30pm to 7:30 pm.


mikeyp at snaplogic.org            http://www.snaplogic.org

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