[python-advocacy] New python products supported?

Michael March mmarch at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 22:04:14 CEST 2008

>> As someone who has made it his 5 year mission of embedded Python into
>> all corporate work I do, I can tell you Python has a LONG way to go
>> before its reaches its potential in the IT world.  My experience is
>> that most IT leadership either hasn't heard of Python or they
>> immediately lump it in with Perl.
> That's interesting.  I'm obviously looking at the long term trend from
> the outside and from a place where more or less everyone _has_ heard
> of Python.  Would it be fair to say that "haven't heard of it" is the
> greater factor than not taking it seriously once it's heard of?  I'm
> somewhat guessing but it sounds like you've been successful in getting
> adopters.  5-10 years ago I certainly heard much more often that
> management simply refused flat out to consider Python even _after_
> something working has been implemented very quickly with it.  Or is
> that still happening?

First, I want to correct/amend what I said about 'never heard of
Python'. Pretty much the case is that at the very least someone has
vaguely heard of it but it ends there. The next step up from that is
"its a scripting language like Perl", etc.

>From a 'proving its worth' aspect, here is my experience. In the past
three years I have implemented around a half dozen Python solutions.
In most of those cases the solution was implemented so quickly, with
so little fuss, it turned most involved into believers.

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