[python-advocacy] Python culture clash complaint

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Mon May 19 05:28:24 CEST 2008

After reading his diatribe, he is not referring to how he is treated
by the community , but rather his commentary is about the docs.  Maybe
the truth could be pointed out out in a more touchy-feely manner but
it doesn't change the fact of what join does.

He then goes on to single out an unnamed irc member about his comment
on line length. (PEP8) (And the writer was just lurking, not
participating)  As a side note, when I first started with Python I
couldn't see why tabs were inferior to spaces -- although it didn't
take long for me to amend my ways, wisdom is always gained at a
price.<g>  Python doesn't coerce you very much and most times gives
you plenty of rope to trip yourself.

Maybe I am completely off base, but it appears as if the writer is
looking for a way to justify his decision to not like Python.  His
remark about "fundamentalist religious methods of conversion" is sheer
hyperbole.  He should have led off with that, instead I had to read to
the end to confirm what I suspected.


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Brad Allen <bradallen137 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a blog from a developer exploring Python but getting frustrated with
> the community attitude, which I find surprising:
> http://developmentadventures.blogspot.com/2008/05/culture-clash-with-python.html
> Excerpt:
> There is one aspect though that just really clashes with me; the community
> is VERY quick to point out how you're wrong. It doesn't matter about what,
> it's just you're wrong. I've found that most of the time, I am, but there's
> this absoluteist tone that I sense that makes me completely understand why
> the community has the "Pythonista" term applied.
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Jeff Hinrichs
jeffh at dundeemt.com
web: www.dundeemt.com
blog: inre.dundeemt.com

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