[AstroPy] Opportunity to create new astrophysical modeling software

Alexander Mayer amayer at alum.mit.edu
Tue Dec 9 10:25:27 EST 2014

Hi all,

I have been monitoring the astropy list for a few months now and have been impressed with the community. This is not a how-to question about Python programming, so although it is technically off-topic, it is very much related to the interests and technical talents of the community.

Numerous Astropy subscribers are involved in writing astrophysical modeling software; this is an opportunity to review a new model and write new, theoretically cutting-edge software that can be used to confront astrophysical observations with the model. The mathematics is straightforward and can be very easily implemented in Python. I am certain that somebody on this list is going to create something extraordinary based on this new material, which may likely to be associated with a future journal article in ApJ, AJ, etc. I do not have the time to do that any time in the near future and, regardless, I am certain that the talent pool on this list far exceeds my own programming capabilities.

See < http://sensibleuniverse.com/slides > for a PDF that describes the model for which no software has yet been written, other than the included SQL code for source SDSS DR10 data.

If you are a university student through post-doc and have a great idea, please reply direct with your suggestion (.edu required) and I can probably get you some funding for the project.


Alexander F. Mayer
amayer at alum.mit.edu

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