[BangPypers] Responding to people who lack the curiosity

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Sat Jun 13 02:38:26 CEST 2009

On Friday 12 June 2009 14:30:57 Srijayanth Sridhar wrote:
> What are your experiences as a person from a "small town"? My question is
> more directed towards your 'programming culture' now vis-a-vis to your
> programming culture from your small town?

I am both 'from' and mostly 'in' a small town. My experience is that one has 
to be totally self reliant and solely dependent on the internet. For example, 
I started programming python circa 2002, but the first time I met and discussed 
with a real live python developer was in late 2006. I _did_ see Pradeep G and 
swaroop in a conference in 2004, but was too scared to talk to them ;-) Till 
date I have _never_ asked anyone F2F about any problem in programming - there 
is no one available. The same goes for sysadmin and practically every other 
computer related task. Strangely enough, the same goes for golfers in small 
towns - I have yet to get even a tip from a coach. That is also why I prefer 
to recruit from small towns and non-elite colleges. The people are more self-
reliant and not so cynical.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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